Profiles - Age 40-54
Interview 06

Interview 07

An athletic 45 year old man who was originally born in Brazil, now living with his partner in London. His most recent episode of depression started in late 2002 and was triggered by workplace pressure.
Interview 16

Interview 19

Interview 20

Originally from Northern Europe, is a health professional. In 1989 her 'emotions caught up' with her, and she became severely depressed and also had psychosis.
Interview 22

Interview 23

Interview 27

Is a divorced part time carer. Before her depression and suicide attempt she was a workaholic in a job that was becoming more demanding. Her depression required hospitalisation.
Interview 30

Interview 32

Interview 38

Is a black gay artist, living with his partner. A difficult family life, he thought about suicide at the age of 14 and again when he had depression at 32.
Interview 39

Lives with her husband and 6 year old son in a village. Was diagnosed with severe depression after the birth of her son, and had another episode subsequently.