Interview 24

Age at interview: 68
Brief Outline:

Attended for routine screening since age 50. Diagnosed with DCIS in 1997. Had excision biopsy, and radiotherapy. More DCIS discovered in 2003 in same breast. Had mastectomy and tamoxifen.


A retired NHS secretary. Divorced wtih 2 adult children.

More about me...


She stopped taking HRT after eighteen months because her blood pressure rose.

She stopped taking HRT after eighteen months because her blood pressure rose.


I went through menopause at about 50. A few hot flushes, nothing particular to worry about. But then I read a booklet by the Amarint Trust about the benefits of HRT and asked the GP if I could go on it. Not because of the hot flushes bothering me, but just because it sounded like a good idea for your general health. That was post menopause. I'd had been, my menopause was almost passed when I went onto HRT. 

And he explained that it was something that you could have if you asked for it. But the NHS couldn't afford it for everybody. So I was expecting to have a battle with the GP about whether I was to go on it or not. But he was fine about it and just said "yes, if you think it's a good idea, fine". 

So I started on it and he tested my blood pressure every, I think it was about every three months. And gradually, it was alright to begin with, but gradually the blood pressure went up and up. So after about 18 months he suggested I came off it, so I did.