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When Zoe walks up the stairs her knees creak and hurt. They sometimes burn. She says they feel like a machine that needs to be oiled.
When Zoe walks up the stairs her knees creak and hurt. They sometimes burn. She says they feel like a machine that needs to be oiled.
With my knees, arthritis, I just remember reading when I was little something about Roald Dahl, which has stuck to me, his daughter quoted saying that every time he came up to read her a bedtime story and his knees were creaking louder than the stairs. Which just reminds me of me when I’m going up the stairs. I hate stairs. I really do. I don’t want to go through and it feels like they’re creaking and it feels like it’s almost a machine that needs to be oiled but it can’t really, to be honest. You can feel it creaking and you can feel the pain and it’s just like, “Oh, it’s so weird.” But it I don’t tend to get hot or cold in my joints or round my joints. I’m just a weird case but yeah, it’s creaky. It can it can burn sometimes, I suppose or sometimes if they get really cold it will literally just freeze and lock and I won’t be able to move them or I’ll have to like slowly ease, which would hurt them a lot or stuff like that really. It’s quite hard I suppose.
When Zoe went to a clinic she got her height and weight checked. If she had a physical examination the doctor looked at and felt around the affected areas.
When Zoe went to a clinic she got her height and weight checked. If she had a physical examination the doctor looked at and felt around the affected areas.
Well, you just sign in and then you wait and then they’ll have one thing where they check your height and weight. Then you’ll go back in the waiting room for a bit and the real, the proper visit they’ll call you in and you go in and they ask you how you’ve been, how your arthritis is at the moment and any trouble with it and they’ll examine you. They’ll ask you to wear loose clothing so you can like roll up to your knees or you don’t you don’t want to go in skinny jeans, as fashionable as they’re not very practical for one of those visits. But I did wear skinny jeans once. It wasn’t good. I had to like, it was proper tight around my knee. I’ve never worn them since but and yeah, you’ve got to do more practicals I suppose and then in clothes and they might get you to like lift your top up at the back if you’ve been having back problems. But they just examine you really and they go, all right and then they’re like wash their hands and then they’ll sit back down and then they’ll give you the results. And they’ll be like, “Well, you don’t seem that bad.” Or, “You’ve got quite a lot of fluid there.” Or they’ll just tell you what’s happened and then they’ll discuss treatment with you or they’ll say, “We think you’re all right. If you want to try this a little bit longer and if it isn’t working come back.” I know their lines for them.
Zoe saw a counsellor about her needle phobia. This was helping until Zoe injected herself too close to the surface of the skin. After that she did not want to do it again.
Zoe saw a counsellor about her needle phobia. This was helping until Zoe injected herself too close to the surface of the skin. After that she did not want to do it again.
I used to have it as an injection because I went to a counsellor for quite a while because I had a phobia of needles, which didn’t help when you need to inject yourself. But she taught me if you think there’s something good at the end of it, because I got promised a pair of shoes, so I was like, “I’m going to get through this for the shoes.” That I got my pair of shoes and I thought, “Right. I can do this.” And she printed out a little sticker, which I still have because if you put it up somewhere that you can see you feel proud of yourself that you can accomplish stuff like that. But I used to have it injection and I used to have this hypnotherapy CD every time like every week or something because I got so worked up about it. But I was getting on all right with it injecting it into my stomach. It sort of scared me in a way, because at random points I can feel the needle going into my flesh. Like I know it’s mental, but it feels like it’s just there and I think that that has scarred me. My mum calls me mental for it. I’m like, “Cheers, mum.”
But yeah, I think the thing that put me off it was I was injecting once and I injected too close to the surface and I got a bubble in my skin and I just freaked out, completely freaked out and I was like, “I’m not injecting it ever again.”
Zoe sometimes feels like a 'burden' on her friends. If she's off school for a while she feels like an 'outcast'. She worries that she might be missing out but her friends cheer her up.
Zoe sometimes feels like a 'burden' on her friends. If she's off school for a while she feels like an 'outcast'. She worries that she might be missing out but her friends cheer her up.
Zoe visits a website for people who want to share their emotional difficulties anonymously. This made her realise some people have more severe problems than hers.
Zoe visits a website for people who want to share their emotional difficulties anonymously. This made her realise some people have more severe problems than hers.
There’s a site that deals with lots of different things from like self-harm to sexual abuse to pregnancy. It’s called six billion secrets and I go on it like every day because it makes you feel a little bit better. It also shows that there are people out there that are worse than you and it’s all anonymous and you have like a little postcard shaped thing on the web and you have about four or five lines of writing or however many you want and you just have short sentences and it gives you quite a dramatic affect really. It’s like summat I was reading one recently about a woman or a girl who cuts because you don’t know the age. They’re all anonymous and she bought this cream to heal herself. She bought a bottle, which is supposed to last about a year or so and she used it up in three months. It shows the last line, because I remember this, it was like, “What have I done?” And it really gets through to you like there are people out there that that are scarred. I know they’ve done it to themselves but now they must regret it so bad and it just makes you feel what you can do to help them, not what other people can do to help you.