John - Interview 04

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In October 2009, John was at a conference and went to talk to someone in the coffee break, and suddenly discovered he could not speak. Although his speech returned quite quickly he knew something strange had happened, and he rang to get a GP appointment for the following day. Next morning he noticed some flashing lights for a few seconds in his field of vision while getting dressed, but did not immediately connect that with the loss of speech. He got into his car to drive to the GP surgery, and suddenly realised he could not work out where the car was in space and had to stop for a few minutes ‘to get my brain back into a place where I could drive on’. He has since learnt that you should not drive after a TIA. Eventually he felt well enough to drive on to the GP.
John was at a work conference when he suddenly found he was unable to articulate thoughts and he couldn't speak.
John was at a work conference when he suddenly found he was unable to articulate thoughts and he couldn't speak.
John talked to a consultant to get a second opinion and find out more about the condition and how it could be treated, as well as looking up information on the internet
John talked to a consultant to get a second opinion and find out more about the condition and how it could be treated, as well as looking up information on the internet
John used the internet, spoke to friends in the medical profession, and sought a second opinion about his condition
John used the internet, spoke to friends in the medical profession, and sought a second opinion about his condition
I’ve taken a variety of routes. The first thing is that following the meeting at the hospital, and the investigations, I was encouraged by my wife to take a second opinion. Now I’m very much a child of the NHS, so this was a difficult thing to do. My wife happens to be French and that seems to be part of her culture. But she argued with me that I work in science, science doesn’t rely on a single observation, you typically take a range of observations. So, okay, I agreed and met with a consultant in the same hospital. After some research we found somebody that was at the top of their profession and had an hour-long meeting with him and took a lot more advice. And we compared results. Fine. Naturally I also turned to the Net and searched for TIA, stroke, through many, many pages, also spoke to friends who are in medicine.
John's GP asked if he would like to take part in a research programme. He was happy to do so, and feels the research team have given him excellent care and monitoring
John's GP asked if he would like to take part in a research programme. He was happy to do so, and feels the research team have given him excellent care and monitoring
John delayed seeing his GP because his knowledge of strokes was limited.
John delayed seeing his GP because his knowledge of strokes was limited.
John describes what it was like having an MRI scan
John describes what it was like having an MRI scan
John has started to feel the cold more than he ever did before and assumes it's a side effect from the medication he's taking. It's hard remembering to take five different tablets a day
John has started to feel the cold more than he ever did before and assumes it's a side effect from the medication he's taking. It's hard remembering to take five different tablets a day
Have you had side effects with the medication?
John took part in a research study in which he had his blood pressure monitored and the results were sent on a daily basis down a phone line to the research team
John took part in a research study in which he had his blood pressure monitored and the results were sent on a daily basis down a phone line to the research team
The GP explained that she, her practice was part of a group of practices associated with a research programme at the university, and I would get instant access to hospital, which was tremendous. And after the initial consultation, at the end of the consultation it was explained to me by the consultant I met that there was a research programme taking place, “Would I be happy to take part in it?” And it was, the initial request was, “Would I take my blood pressure three times a day?” and this would be sent in by mobile phone. Very happy to do that.
And it’s been something which has, which has proved extremely useful, because that blood pressure is monitored and I’ve had telephone calls from the hospital suggesting that I change medication, as a result of the observation they see taken from those readings. So delighted with that. And I’ve also been involved in a research project at the university looking at developing new MRI techniques.
John took part in an extra MRI scan for research purposes, as well as remote blood pressure monitoring. The blood pressure monitoring was easier to understand and has benefited him directly
John took part in an extra MRI scan for research purposes, as well as remote blood pressure monitoring. The blood pressure monitoring was easier to understand and has benefited him directly
I was asked, I was asked to take part in a particular research project which was looking at developing techniques, MRI techniques, which reduced the need for injecting radio-opaque fluids. I went along to the hospital and met with the researcher, who explained what they were doing. I think you need, to get more from that conversation I would have needed a lot more knowledge about the brain, MRI technology, and I didn’t want to take up her time. I felt very comfortable that there was a good research project. I was happy to take part in that.
And the procedure itself took far longer than either I had thought or she had thought, because there was some problem with instrumentation. I think they were slightly pressurised then, because their next patient was coming in. It was explained to me that they were interested in seeing my brain, because there was some anomaly had been noticed on a previous MRI and they thought it was an interesting brain to have a look at with their MRI. I feel it’s up to me. If I wanted to find out more, I’m sure I could ring the researcher up and ask for further explanation. But because I don’t know enough about MRI technology I would feel that it could be fairly, it wouldn’t be particularly fruitful, let’s put it that way.
John said he was treated as an adult by the research team
John said he was treated as an adult by the research team
John felt able to talk to his wife and family about how frightened he had felt and says it's important to share things like this
John felt able to talk to his wife and family about how frightened he had felt and says it's important to share things like this
Apart from the effects on myself, the biggest effect has been on my wife and my daughter. And they are just supportive. I think the first 24 hours they were very concerned. Fortunately my wife came to the hospital with me, and at the end of the consultation I made sure that she came in to meet with the consultant so that we both heard the same message about what had happened, the cause of what had happened, and what was going to happen in the future. And because we have a fabulous relationship in which we can talk about anything, I can tell her, I was happy to tell her - not happy, that’s wrong. I was able to tell her in the first 24 hours I was frightened. I don’t mind saying that.
And I’ve worked, I worked seven years underground, so I worked in mines, I know what it’s like to be frightened, and quite, it’s okay to say you’re frightened. It’s all right. And if you can tell your partner, “I’m frightened”, then they understand, to some extent. And they’re there and they, you know, I’m confident that Martine, my wife, will cope with whatever happens, because we talk about it openly. And the same for my daughter. You just say, “This is what’s happened. This is what I feel about it.” And it’s good to share that. And with, with friends.
John says he lost his confidence after being told he'd had a TIA and sometimes now he feels he is less articulate than he used to be, but he has no remaining physical symptoms
John says he lost his confidence after being told he'd had a TIA and sometimes now he feels he is less articulate than he used to be, but he has no remaining physical symptoms
John feels that the stress of working long hours may have contributed to him having his TIA but it's difficult to cut down on stress when you run your own business
John feels that the stress of working long hours may have contributed to him having his TIA but it's difficult to cut down on stress when you run your own business
I knew that what I do for a living requires me to work long, long hours, and always has done, which I enjoy. But that’s always been a fear, that that stress would cause something. Lo and behold, it’s caused, it would appear to have caused, or been a contributor to what has happened.
John feels it's important that his work colleagues know about what has happened to him so that they would know how to help him if he had another episode
John feels it's important that his work colleagues know about what has happened to him so that they would know how to help him if he had another episode
I’d certainly tell them, everybody at work, they know what’s happened. And I’ve also spoken to them about what to do if I start to behave strangely, because I want, I want them to be able to feel confident to just dial 999. You know, let’s not delay. Let’s get some help. Because I’m concerned that if I have a stroke I may not be able to explain what’s happening. I want them to recognise the symptoms and deal with it. And because I travel and work in very remote locations because of my business - I’m talking about the middle of Siberian forests, or out in the Sahara, or up on the Canadian ice fields - I need to tell the people I’m with what has happened. I need to be very honest with them and say, “Right, I’ve had this. This is my concern. And this is what I want you to do about it if these things happen.” And that’s something that just feeds into a safety culture which we’ve had as a company, as a group, for all our working time, and which we’ve inherited and learnt from the major oil companies we work with, who are very concerned about individual safety and are extremely good at it.
John had a second TIA whilst he was driving to see the GP about symptoms he'd experienced the previous day. He was told not to drive after his TIA but that it was not a legal obligation to notify DVLA
John had a second TIA whilst he was driving to see the GP about symptoms he'd experienced the previous day. He was told not to drive after his TIA but that it was not a legal obligation to notify DVLA
John found it very disturbing to lose the ability to speak for a short while as in his job he has to be able to speak at events and conferences
John found it very disturbing to lose the ability to speak for a short while as in his job he has to be able to speak at events and conferences
Losing the ability to speak for me was serious. I earn my living by speaking. And the extraordinary event of knowing exactly what I wanted to say and not being able to vocalise was really, really disturbing. The next day the incident of not being able to know where I was in a car, where was I in three-dimensional space, that was very frightening. So, yes, those two things put together. The flashing lights, the visual disturbance, well, that’s odd but, okay, nothing, nothing frightening. But the inability to speak and the, the unawareness of, “Where am I?” was very, very disturbing.
John now knows how important it is to seek medical help as soon as possible, and that you shouldn't drive if you are feeling unwell. He says keep your blood pressure under control, take exercise and lose weight
John now knows how important it is to seek medical help as soon as possible, and that you shouldn't drive if you are feeling unwell. He says keep your blood pressure under control, take exercise and lose weight
The other thing I’ve learnt is that if you experience symptoms, don’t delay. Just get on the phone, 999, do something. Don’t delay. And certainly I would never drive again. That was, that was a big wake-up call, not realising how serious things were. So a lot of learnings from that.
John feels fortunate to have had this 'wake up call' because it means he has been able to do something about reducing his risks for the future
John feels fortunate to have had this 'wake up call' because it means he has been able to do something about reducing his risks for the future
I may say, this incident was the first time that I was faced with my own mortality. And I know that’s rather a clichéd phrase, but it’s true. I hadn’t - we all think about, okay, there will be an end - but this was an indicator that the end is there. It’s, it’s finite. You only have a particular span on the planet. And it was a tremendous wake-up call. Most of our destiny is in our own hands, and my destiny is in my hands in terms of getting fitter and keeping an eye on blood pressure. [coughs - excuse me]. So my fortune was that my TIA was a minor incident, but a very clear signal. If it had been the reverse, like a major incident, then I wouldn’t have recognised the signal because I would have been struggling. So I’m in this fortunate position of having a tremendous wake-up call, and it’s up to me to do something about it, with the help of all the medical professionals around.. So I’m in this fortunate position of having a tremendous wake-up call, and it’s up to me to do something about it, with the help of all the medical professionals around.
For some while John felt lacking in confidence because of the uncertainties that he faced
For some while John felt lacking in confidence because of the uncertainties that he faced