Adrian - Interview 22

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Adrian was sitting at home one evening when his partner noticed he was struggling to communicate – she realised that he was experiencing something similar to a stroke because she had remembered seeing the TV advert about how to recognise the symptoms of a stroke (FAST – Face, Arms, Speech, Time). Adrian described feeling very strange - although he could make a noise, he had forgotten how to speak, felt disconnected from normality and unaware of what was happening to him. He also lost the feeling in his right arm intermittently during this time. His partner called for an ambulance very quickly and the paramedics arrived very soon after the event. Adrian recalls feeling very frightened and worried about being unable to communicate. However, by the time the paramedics arrived things were beginning to settle down. Gradually he regained his speech and his arm also began to feel normal once again. The paramedics did an ECG, gave him some oxygen and ran some tests before taking him to the hospital. By the time he arrived at the hospital he felt more or less back to normal and was able to speak again.
Adrian was sitting on the sofa and was suddenly unable to speak to his wife or tell her what was wrong.
Adrian was sitting on the sofa and was suddenly unable to speak to his wife or tell her what was wrong.
Adrian's partner recognised the symptoms of stroke from seeing the FAST TV advert and immediately called for an ambulance.
Adrian's partner recognised the symptoms of stroke from seeing the FAST TV advert and immediately called for an ambulance.
She recognised because the face, the FAST thing on the television, the advert on the TV and that’s the only way she would have known. And that’s the first thing she said to the paramedic. If she hadn’t seen that advert she wouldn’t have known what was going on, and then it clicked in her mind straight away. So that absolutely, that advert works absolutely perfectly.
Adrian is fearful of having another more serious stroke and this motivates him to take more regular exercise now
Adrian is fearful of having another more serious stroke and this motivates him to take more regular exercise now
I thought I was leading quite a healthy lifestyle before, but I’ve almost completely stopped drinking alcohol. I’ve actually joined the gym, which was a joke but I have and I’ve actually been as well. So I’m going to do everything I possibly can to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I’ve also lost lots and lots of weight as well.
Adrian was very scared whilst he was having his TIA "I can't emphasise how scary it was".
Adrian was very scared whilst he was having his TIA "I can't emphasise how scary it was".
Adrian knew the term TIA because his mother had had several, the doctor explained that the name transient indicates that 'it was there and then it disappears'
Adrian knew the term TIA because his mother had had several, the doctor explained that the name transient indicates that 'it was there and then it disappears'
Adrian felt well supported by his GP and the staff at the TIA clinic who gave him all the information he needed
Adrian felt well supported by his GP and the staff at the TIA clinic who gave him all the information he needed
I Have spoken to my GP and he’s absolutely brilliant. I’ve got a lot of confidence in my GP, and the hospital were… I thought the stroke clinic at the [hospital] were absolutely fantastic. And, they told me more than I had to ask, they answered nearly all my questions, and I thought they were really good.
Adrian had lots of tests and scans and attended an outpatient appointment with the TIA nurse afterwards as a follow up
Adrian had lots of tests and scans and attended an outpatient appointment with the TIA nurse afterwards as a follow up
And by the time they put the ECG on and done all the blood tests and give me the oxygen, by the time we left to get to the [hospital], I was three quarters of the way back, and feeling... odd rather than ill. I still felt like I had the goldfish bowl on my head, but by the time I got to the [hospital] I was fine.
Adrian recovered completely from his TIA and feels that the fear he felt during the TIA itself drives him to try to prevent himself having a more serious stroke
Adrian recovered completely from his TIA and feels that the fear he felt during the TIA itself drives him to try to prevent himself having a more serious stroke
It was the most scary thing ever. Its, and I’ve had a heart attack and that scared me, but nowhere near as much as this TIA did. Because I really did think that was it, that I was going to lose my voice, my arm, all sorts. And it really was frightening to think that I could be left that way. And nobody was more relieved than me when the symptoms subsided and I began to function again. Because it really is a scary place to be.
Adrian runs his own business and has a strong work ethic but after his TIA decided to slow down and take more of a back seat
Adrian runs his own business and has a strong work ethic but after his TIA decided to slow down and take more of a back seat
I look at my business slightly differently.
Adrian was very scared whilst he was having his TIA "I can't emphasise how scary it was".
Adrian was very scared whilst he was having his TIA "I can't emphasise how scary it was".
Adrian's partner recognised what was wrong with him through having seen the FAST campaign advert
Adrian's partner recognised what was wrong with him through having seen the FAST campaign advert
Adrian's advice is to adopt a healthier lifestyle and make sure you do what you need to do prevent having another TIA or minor stroke
Adrian's advice is to adopt a healthier lifestyle and make sure you do what you need to do prevent having another TIA or minor stroke
Those people at risk I would take a long hard look at your lifestyle. Cut out cigarettes. More exercise. Eat healthily. Watch the alcohol intake. And those people who have already had the TIA - it would be the same actually. To try and prevent another one.
Adrian's wife recognised what was happening to him from the FAST campaign on the TV and she acted quickly to get him help. It wasn't until afterwards that she realised how frightened she was
Adrian's wife recognised what was happening to him from the FAST campaign on the TV and she acted quickly to get him help. It wasn't until afterwards that she realised how frightened she was
She recognised because the face, the FAST thing on the television, the advert on the TV and that’s the only way she would have known. And that’s the first thing she said to the paramedic. If she hadn’t seen that advert she wouldn’t have known what was going on, and then it clicked in her mind straight away. So that absolutely, that advert works absolutely perfectly.
And which bit of that was it that rang bells with her?
All of it. It was the, when my face dropped and my speech began, apparently I was starting to make funny noises. And she said that clicked in straight away and that’s why she reacted the way she did. And she was at, one minute slightly torn between leaving me and getting the telephone to get on to the ambulance, but, she’d remembered that advert, and it obviously works and its it does its job. It’s really good.
And I was going to ask you what was going through your mind during that period of time?
My fear was that I was going to be unable to communicate, that I’d lose the ability to be able to talk to my partner. That I’d be unable to work. Losing my arm, not being able to move my limb was a horrific thought.. And it was the lack of communication is the worst thing. Because... that’s a big part of your personality as well, your voice, and, and, your communication skills. And I was, it really did scare me. And the thought of not being able to talk to somebody that you love. It really is quite horrific.
It frightened my partner more than I realised. Because she was fine. It happened on the Saturday, so she was fine on the Saturday, and she was quite cool on the Sunday. But on the Monday night when we were laying in bed, just sort of dropping off she started to cry and it really hit home. And it really frightened her.
So a slightly delayed response then?
Yes. And I think it… because you run on adrenaline and the heat of the moment that did, it frightened her a lot.
And what were her concerns mainly?
She thought she was, we haven’t been together that long so she thought she was going to lose me. And also if I ceased to communicate parts of who I am disappears. Because of the other things that we do together, if I lose my voice, I lose a great chunk of what we are. So it was quite important to her.