Frank - Interview 05

Frank lost his speech and use of one arm at the end of a long-haul flight. He was told he had a hole in his heart which may have contributed to the TIA, but he has decided not to have an operation to repair it.
Frank is retired and in his 60s. He is married with two adult children. Ethnic background/nationality' White British.
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Frank was coming home on a long-haul flight one weekend in 2009 when he realised he had lost the use of one arm and could not talk. A colleague who was also on the plane felt Frank needed medical attention, and so alerted the authorities at Heathrow. Frank was reluctant to go to hospital as he just wanted to get home, but the police were called and insisted he should be taken to hospital. The hospital told him he had had a stroke or TIA, but he discharged himself. His wife came to pick him up to take him home. By this time his arm had recovered, and his speech improved as the day wore on. By the evening he felt well enough to go out to dinner with friends.
A few weeks after her TIA Yvonne still had moments when she seemed tired, confused or not quite with it
A few weeks after her TIA Yvonne still had moments when she seemed tired, confused or not quite with it
I mean, you know, a, a couple of weeks after it happened I was coming out of a charity shop I’d just been to, to take some stuff in and my husband said, “Oh I’ll wait for you outside” because I was chatting to the woman in there. And I came outside and all of a sudden my husband almost shook me. And I said, “Oh, oh what’s the matter?” And he said, “You looked horrible. Your face was blank, you didn’t actually know where you were. And you were just about to step into the road.”