Interview 37

She had a stroke attributed to a clot and the age of 92 which caused weakness of her right leg and arm and slurred speech. Medication: bendrofluazide (blood pressure) now stopped, aspirin (anti-platelet), but she could not tolerate this and had to stop.
Is a widow with 1 adult child and is a retired writer. Ethnic background/nationality: White/German.
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She was initially a little angry at having a stroke but quickly became determined to get better.
She was initially a little angry at having a stroke but quickly became determined to get better.
Mother: Yes. I was not at all depressed [laughs].
Daughter: Only at first, maybe a couple of...
Mother: The very first day, angry, more angry in the first [laughs]
What were you angry about?
Mother: About the change. Yes.
And how did you feel when you realised that it was a stroke that you'd had?
Mother: [Sighs] I felt a little bit sad but not long, not very long.
And you were very determined to get better?
Mother: Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely.
And do you think that helped you to get back to normal?
Mother: Yes absolutely. And the cheerful atmosphere in the house and the lovely family [laughs]. It was more important than my behaviour.