Interview 25

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Her husband initially went into care because she was ill and couldn't look after him. She realised there was more going on in the home for him so he stayed.
Her husband initially went into care because she was ill and couldn't look after him. She realised there was more going on in the home for him so he stayed.
Wife' [My husband] came into a care home about six months ago because I suddenly had a stomach disorder out of the blue, it was extraordinarily painful and it lasted in fact quite a short time but, you know, it needed to be explored and so on. And so [my husband] was, you know, the family organised for [my husband] to come into care. But about the same time I developed another condition, a muscular condition which' although it's really well handled by medication, it's a bit prone to come back by too much pushing and lifting and that kind of thing. But that's not really the whole reason why you're still in care, is it, [Husbands name]?
Husband' No.
Wife' I thought that there'd be more kind of life going on here really than at home when I couldn't take you out and about like I used to do. You know you'd be reliant on, you know, the odd friend dropping by, the children dropping by. I don't know whether it's worked out like that, but that was what, well that was what we thought.