
Sonia has experienced depression since she was 17. As a teenager she had problems with an eating disorder and began self -harming. She was admitted to hospital after having taken an overdose of paracetamol when she was in her 20’s. Since that time she has had several admissions to hospital and has been referred to community mental health services at various times. She has tried numerous different antidepressants, but has found it difficult to find the right one for her. Some have lost their effectiveness after using them for a time, and sometimes she has experienced side effects that she has found intolerable.
Sonia is single and works as an administrator for a healthcare provider. Ethnic Background: British/Indian
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‘Have a two way conversation with the person... it’s important to talk to them and not at them.’
‘Have a two way conversation with the person... it’s important to talk to them and not at them.’
Have a conversation with your patient, I understand that there are times where actually that’s not possible and where you need to be making the decision and certainly I’ve been in positions where all I’ve wanted them to do is say you knew what just to make a decision just give me something I don’t care what it is but as a general rule you need to be actually having a conversation having a two way conversation and saying ‘this is what I think, what do you think’, because, especially if a patient has been on more than one medication before, they know what works for them they know what doesn’t work for them , they know what side effects they can tolerate and they know what they can’t tolerate. I just, you, I can’t stress it enough it’s just so important to talk to them instead of talking at them.