Interview 35- Antenatal Screening

Combined nuchal scan/blood test suggested high risk; early results ruled out trisomies but subsequently diagnosed a severe form of Turner's syndrome. Couple decided to end the pregnancy; now pregnant again.
Children: First pregnancy ended at 17 weeks, Occupation: Mother - opera singer, Father (age 42 at interview) - chartered surveyor, Marital status: Married.
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When making the decision to end the pregnancy at 17 weeks, they wanted to do what was best for their daughter and their family.
When making the decision to end the pregnancy at 17 weeks, they wanted to do what was best for their daughter and their family.
Mother - But yeah, once we knew it was the most severe case and once the consultant looked at me and said, “How pregnant are you?” And I told him, and he said, “I can't believe you're still pregnant. Most of these are gone by 11 weeks.” And that's when I kind of concluded that I was trying to miscarry for thirty days and my body just held on. And it was a bit cruel, really, that my body held on but...