Interview 34- Heart failure

Age at interview: 35
Age at diagnosis: 35
Brief Outline:
Heart attack 1992, Triple bypass 1993. Angina 1999. Heart failure diagnosed 2003.
Company Director; married with 1 child.
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He thinks his GP's knowledge of heart disease is very general.
He thinks his GP's knowledge of heart disease is very general.
Well the role of the GP is very limited to be honest. They're very general, I mean their knowledge is very general. She knows that I, I think by now to be honest I know probably more information about the heart diseases than her because after I've, you know after what I've read, about you know about heart disease I think I'm more knowledgeable than her!
She was very general. She wouldn't say anything other than like, "Eat moderately, don't, avoid junk food and fatty food," which I know you know, she wouldn't add anything to my case, I mean she wouldn't add any benefits.
Actually I don't see her, I mean I don't, I'd go to see her if I had bad flu or you know something else other than the heart disease, because I know if I have a problem I know what to do myself now.