Interview 21- Immunisation

Brief Outline:

For DTaP/IPV/Hib - Followed recommendations of health professionals. For MMR - Sought out information that was balanced and not biased towards only pro or anti immunisation arguments. Read books written by anthroposophical medical doctors, which influenced her decision.


At time of interview: married, one son, aged 22 months. Parents' occupations: Mother- Full time mum, Father- Dental Technician. Ethnic background: White-British.

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She thinks parents should be given "objective information" about the "pros and cons" associated...

She thinks parents should be given "objective information" about the "pros and cons" associated...


 Yes, I think objective information, I would like to see there, really objective information, not coloured in any sense, really giving both advantages and disadvantages. Statistics, as much as information is possible, statistics, both sides of information, pros and cons, really pros and cons about the MMR. But really, really objective. That, that, that I really would like to see. That, that's the only thing in my opinion that really helps parents. Anything else is unfair I think, because anything else is just scaremongering, one way or the other. Because at the end of the day, the day it's both scaremongering. You know, people say, “No, don't do the MMR, you don't need MMR, you don't need any vaccination because vaccination is this and that”. It, it's scaremongering. And there's so much information out there that's not true.