Interview 20 - Intensive care: family experiences
Age at interview: 60
Brief Outline:
In 2004 his wife and her mother spent six months in hospital and was admitted to ICU three times because of sepsis and heart problems.
Part-time minister/social worker, full-time carer, married with one adult daughter. Daughter: Hostels officer. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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The husband and daughter of a woman in intensive care chose to not resuscitate her because they felt she would not have wanted to survive in a severely disabled state.
The husband and daughter of a woman in intensive care chose to not resuscitate her because they felt she would not have wanted to survive in a severely disabled state.
Daughter - Basically the other guy [consultant] had told us that she was very ill and probably...
Husband - It wasn't looking good, yes.
Daughter - He said, “It wasn't looking good and to be honest I am not sure she will be coming home” is what he said.
Husband - Hm.
Daughter - But by the time we got to the relatives room, which is about two, about three days later, he sort of, I mean you know we made the agreement that if she had another heart attack they wouldn't resuscitate her.
Husband - That was the other thing he said in that interview, you know that was their feeling that they shouldn't attempt to resuscitate her.
Daughter - Yes which was fine.
Did they ask you should they attempt to resuscitate her. What did you say at that point?
Husband - Well basically we took his advice and said well…
Daughter - Well there was no point was there.
Husband - No. No. We wouldn't want her to be resuscitated just to be a vegetable. She wouldn't like that.
Daughter - We had also come to terms with it, I mean really by that point, because we were sort of aware that she was very poorly you know.