Interview 15- Heart Attack

Age at interview: 84
Age at diagnosis: 81
Brief Outline:
Heart attack - January 2000. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery - May 2000. Current Medication - clopidogrel, frusemide, GTN.
Retired Traffic Warden; Married, 3 children
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Her doctors were opinionated and disagreed with each other about treatment and bed rest after her heart attack.
Her doctors were opinionated and disagreed with each other about treatment and bed rest after her heart attack.
Oh they argue. They do, they do. Some wanted to operate, some didn't. Some said this was good. Some, one doctor come along and said “I don't want you to get out of bed at all, now you stay right there and you do not move for twenty four hours”.
Another doctor comes along, “What are you doing lying in bed, I want you walking up and down this ward.” I said, “Well I don't know how I'm going to lie in bed and walk up and down the ward at the same time, it cannot be done doctor.
It can't be done. Doctor so and so told me to lay in bed, you're telling me to get up.” And he marched off, so he probably went and had a row with the doctor that said this before, I don't know what happened. So I compromised and stayed in bed for a while, then I got up for a while, it seemed to work.