Interview 15 - Chronic pain

Age at interview: 42
Brief Outline:
Pins and needle, numbness and neck pain since 1996. Surgery - Neck surgery for cervical mylenopathy. Treatment - Physiotherapy before and after surgery. Pain Clinic - given oral steroids. Pain management - NHS outpatient pain management programme. Current medication - gabapentin, amitriptyline.
Scientist; single; 1 child.
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She had been resistant to a GP who suggested she should take an anti- depressant. But another GP listened to her and they agreed that she would try Prozac.
She had been resistant to a GP who suggested she should take an anti- depressant. But another GP listened to her and they agreed that she would try Prozac.
But by the time it came to I would say, oh a year after surgery it just, things were getting worse. The pain was worse. The sensation was worse. I was depressed, but I went quite a far way down the line before I would admit.
But when I went to my GP, because he would like to see me about my medication when it changed etc., and he was quite abrupt with me, you know, it was almost as if, “But you have got depression. Do you admit you've got depression?” And I was trying to say well you know “I've got a reason for that so it's not as if it's, it's”, I was trying to say “Well okay if maybe I'm a bit down but you're not listening to me I've got pain. I'm in pain. How can I best cope with this pain?”
All he wanted to do was to give me Prozac and I was like “Well I just don't want Prozac. I want, I want to get to the bottom of this. I want to get the appropriate medication that helps me cope. You take away my pain, you will take away my depression. You will help me, you know, don't cure the symptom, cure the cause.”
I was completely low, really low, and at that point I realised that I was off work and I thought no, this is not good. You know, I could do myself an injury. I really feel that bad. I was bouncing off the walls and just by pure chance I actually got an appointment with a new female doctor at our practice and I went to see her and we sat down and she talked to me.
And it was the first person that seemed to understand what I was juggling, my career, my home, my child, in isolation but with this chronic pain and symptoms that never got any better, they just got worse.
And she understood that all the other symptoms I was experiencing they were acute on chronic pain and then we agreed a strategy that would address the acute issues and then move on to the chronic issues. And she actually gave me my medication. We talked about Prozac and we, I agreed because I realised by that time, you know, I was very low, but she was so kind and she understood me and you know, the relief that someone understood, that all I was trying to do was to have a normal life.