Parents of children with congenital heart disease
Profiles - Child aged under 1
Interview CH01

Baby's age at Interview: 6 months. Diagnosed during pregnancy (20 weeks).
Parents marital status: married.
Occupation: Mother-Full time Mum, Father-Own Business.
Other children: twin brother & 2 older children.
The family do not live close to a specialist hospital.
Interview CH03

Baby's age at interview: 3 months old. Diagnosed during pregnancy (21 weeks). Parents marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Market Research Adviser, Father-Accountant. No other children. The family live close to a specialist hospital.
Interview CH28

Parents marital status: cohabiting. Occupation: Mother-Researcher, Father-Internet programmer. Other children: one child aged 5 weeks old. The family do not live close to a specialist hospital.
Interview CH31

Baby's age at Interview: 9 months. Diagnosed at 3 months old. Parents' marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Full time mum, Father-Information Technology. Other children: one older child. The family do not live close by to a specialist hospital.