Long term health conditions (young people)
Maria Salinas

Senior Qualitative Researcher, is a social anthropologist. She has worked in health research, refugee studies and gender relations in the academic and voluntary sectors for the last ten years. She obtained her D.Phil from the University of Oxford in 2000.
Advisory Panel
Dr Ann McPherson
Medical Director, Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford.
Dr Janet E McDonagh
Clinical Senior Lecturer in Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and University of Birmingham.
Dr Kathy Hawley
Project Co-ordinator, Young People's Self Management Workshops, Expert Patient Programme (EPP).
Lara Franks
Patient Representative.
Mr David Lewis
Patient Representative.
Mr Patrick Ladbury
Children and Young People Development Manager Asthma UK.
Mrs Catherine Gleeson
Independent Consultant Nurse in School Health - Part-Time Practice Nurse.
Ms Anna Gregorovsky
Nurse Consultant - Adolescent Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital.
We would like to give special thanks go to all the young people who made this research possible & Dr Aidan Macfarlane, Professor Alan Watson, Dr Stephen Cronin, Ms Cathy Gill and Ms Donna Hilton who provided additional help.
Supported by:
Department of Health
Expert Patient Programme