Marie - Interview 44

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Marie developed diabetes after having high doses of steroids with chemotherapy for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; after putting herself on a strict diet and losing weight she no longer had seizures.
Marie developed diabetes after having high doses of steroids with chemotherapy for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; after putting herself on a strict diet and losing weight she no longer had seizures.
Yes, basically just keeping to a very, very strict diet. Eating small amounts, lots of vegetables and fruit. I just changed my eating habits. In fact I found now that I went out to a restaurant the other day to celebrate my white count coming down and they did a jacket potato but they brought me chips and I found I couldn’t eat them. It’s so long that I’ve eaten that kind of rubbish that I just couldn’t eat them. So my lifestyle changed completely.
Marie had a 6 month course of chlorambucil for her CLL, but it didn't work so she moved straight onto fludarabine and cyclophosphamide, which worked immediately.
Marie had a 6 month course of chlorambucil for her CLL, but it didn't work so she moved straight onto fludarabine and cyclophosphamide, which worked immediately.
Two years, three years ago I had chlorambucil and it didn’t work. After the six month’s course nothing happened, so I was told by the consultant that it was no longer any use to me and that I would have to start on another drug. The first thing I asked him again was, “Am I going to lose my hair?” And he said, “It will thin and that will probably be the only problem you have”. “Do I have to come into hospital?” “No, you can have it at home but you will have check-ups” I started the drug, FluCy, I was allowed four treatments. They gave me three. The first treatment worked. I had a white cell count of 350, and that was immediately brought down to 15 on the first dose of FluCy. That’s a three day course. No steroids except my ordinary five milligrams I have to take daily anyway. It didn’t affect my sugar levels. I did have a temperature. They told me I would have. I was taken into hospital because they were afraid that there could have been an infection, but by next morning I was fine and I came out. I continued the second dose of FluCy. Nothing happened. It didn’t bring it down any further. It didn’t take it up. The third dose didn’t work at all. My consultant then decided that since I was only allowed four doses he wanted to keep one dose back in case I really needed it at some other time.
Marie says that after years of having CLL she recognises the symptoms and knows their cause; she knows her limitations, so paces herself and often rests in the afternoons.
Marie says that after years of having CLL she recognises the symptoms and knows their cause; she knows her limitations, so paces herself and often rests in the afternoons.
Because I’m very active, I will be dashing around and all of a sudden my body refuses to work. I can’t remember what I’m doing, my memory sort of gets, I can’t remember anything, and my muscles and all over my body just feels as though it’s like jelly, and I have to go and sit down. And if I sit down I can normally sleep for about two hours, which is unusual for me. When I wake up I’m fine but then I have to know my limitations, so when I’m getting to that stage I will spend a lot of time resting in the afternoon. I pace myself, do my jobs in the morning when I’m fit, in the afternoon I will sit and have a rest, then I’m fine. But it’s general your body won’t work and you get a fuzzy brain as well.