Living with and beyond cancer
Julie Evans

Is an experienced health services researcher specialising in qualitative research. She has an MSc in Social Research from the University of Surrey. Her main interest is cancer and she has worked on HEXI - Health Experience Insights cancer studies from 2000 -2018 until she retired. She conducted the secondary analysis and wrote many of the topic summaries for this module, as well as doing some of the interviews for the original cancer studies on which it is based.
Nada Khan

Nada Khan is a cancer epidemiologist and medical trainee who has worked at the University of Oxford since 2005. As part of her DPhil project she interviewed 40 long-term cancer survivors, and many of those interviews have been included in the secondary analysis for this section. She helped with the secondary analysis and wrote some of the topic summaries.
We are grateful to all those people living with and beyond cancer who were interviewed for the original studies, to Dr Carol Dumelow for her work as ‘research buddy’, and to our advisory panel for their help and guidance throughout the project.
Advisory Panel
Sue Ziebland (chair)
Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford
Dave Ardron
NCRI Consumer Liaison Group representative
Mike Daly
Nurse / NHS Manager and former cancer patient
Dr Penny Wright
Macmillan Principal Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Dr Claire Foster
Head of Macmillan Survivorship Research Group, University of Southampton
Prof Ziv Amir
Cancer Rehabilitation, the School of Health Sciences, Salford University , Greater Manchester
Liz Minton
Cancer Support Specialist, Maggie’s, Oxford
Dr Peter Rose
GP and Clinical Lecturer, University of Oxford
Dr Cathy Hughes
Survivorship Integration Manager, Macmillan
Support by:
The secondary analysis and production of this module was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council’s Follow-on Fund. We are also grateful to Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support who supported Nada Khan’s DPhil study, and to the various bodies who funded the original HEXI - Health Experience Insights studies.
Supported by:
The Economic and Social Research Council
Grant holders:
Julie Evans
Nada Khan
Sue Ziebland