Dorothy - Interview 30

Age at interview: 74
Age at diagnosis: 62
Brief Outline: Dorothy was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998. She received surgery, radiotherapy and hormone treatment. She thinks that cancer is always a bit in the back of her mind. She has done lots of fundraising for cancer charities since her diagnosis.
Background: Dorothy is married and is a retired nurse. She has two sons. Ethnic Background: White British.
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Dorothy was diagnosed with breast cancer 12 years ago. She received surgery, radiotherapy and went on a hormone drug trial. She now has an underactive thyroid, which she thinks is an after effect of having had radiotherapy. She thinks that nowadays her GP is more worried about her cholesterol and glucose readings than her past cancer.
Whenever something happens, or she gets a symptom, she sometimes wonders if the cancer has come back or spread to somewhere else in her body. It’s not over worrying, but it does cross her mind. Dorothy can still get quite emotional when she reads about other people having cancer because it brings back all of the old feelings around her experience.
Dorothy finds it helpful to help other people going through cancer. She does a lot of volunteering and fund raising for Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity. She tried a support group, but found it difficult as they were all going through cancer and being negative. She thinks that the whole experience was hard on her husband as he didn’t get the same support, and can feel helpless throughout the whole experience.
Her advice to other people going through cancer is to stay strong and believe in yourself.