Recurrence or relapse
The aim of leukaemia treatment is to achieve remission, a state in which no leukaemic cells can be found in the blood or bone marrow and the bone marrow works normally. Ideally, remission would last a lifetime, but some people will relapse, meaning their leukaemia recurs (comes back).
With chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), for example, which is currently considered incurable, periods of remission are interspersed with periods in treatment (see ‘Chemotherapy and how it is given’).
People with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) need continuous treatment to keep their symptoms at bay. Having got her CML under control through a combination of imatinib (Glivec) (standard biological therapy for CML), a restrictive diet, and complementary therapies, one woman found that stress of a new relationship was having a detrimental effect on her health, and she began to experience leukaemia symptoms again (see 'Immuno-, biological, and targeted therapies for leukaemia').
After entering a new relationship she felt that the symptoms of her CML* were returning.
After entering a new relationship she felt that the symptoms of her CML* were returning.
Most cases of CML are diagnosed when they are in the ‘chronic’ phase in which the condition can remain stable for a long time. Eventually the leukaemia may move into an ‘accelerated’ and then a ‘blast’ phase in which immature or ‘blast’ cells overwhelm the blood and bone marrow. When this happens, intensive treatment, akin to that given for acute leukaemia, is needed to regain remission.
The ‘transformation’ from one phase of CML to another had not happened to anyone we spoke to, but Elizabeth had a similar experience. After a period in which her CML had been stable, she began to feel unwell again and was eventually told she had developed a form of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) that was not related to her CML and may have arisen from an underlying myelodysplastic condition.
Elizabeth's CML* had been under control on imatinib (Glivec) for some time when she began to feel unwell again. At first the doctors couldn't work out what was wrong but eventually diagnosed AML*.
Elizabeth's CML* had been under control on imatinib (Glivec) for some time when she began to feel unwell again. At first the doctors couldn't work out what was wrong but eventually diagnosed AML*.
After 5 months in remission, when she was just beginning to think about returning to work, Gilly realised that her energy levels had dropped and discovered that her AML* had come back.
After 5 months in remission, when she was just beginning to think about returning to work, Gilly realised that her energy levels had dropped and discovered that her AML* had come back.
Joanna knew from her husband's blood counts that the AML* had relapsed and he was going downhill; she felt frustrated because he didn't want to talk about it.
Joanna knew from her husband's blood counts that the AML* had relapsed and he was going downhill; she felt frustrated because he didn't want to talk about it.
Joanna found it difficult to find out when her husband might die and was surprised when it happened. She had assumed that he wanted to die at home but now wonders whether it had been the best thing.
Joanna found it difficult to find out when her husband might die and was surprised when it happened. She had assumed that he wanted to die at home but now wonders whether it had been the best thing.
And my other son did come round and was here. And we were sitting sort of watching what was happening and and my husband had gone very comatose. I mean he was really making a rather horrible sort of rasping breathing and pretty unconscious. And [um], I don’t know, we’d turned to make a cup of kettle, cup of tea, turn on the kettle or whatever, and we realised that he’d stopped breathing. And neither of us could actually quite believe that this meant that he’d died. I mean, you know, it was, it was still a sort of shock, you know, given that two medical people hadn’t hadn’t had any inkling.
* AML – Acute myeloid leukaemia
CLL – Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
ALL – Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
CML – Chronic myeloid leukaemia
MDS - Myelodysplastic syndrome
Last updated: August 2015.
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