Profiles - Aged 36-40

Interview 03

Has only recently returned to full time work. He was diagnosed with HIV as a university student, and in 1997 he very nearly died from HIV-related illnesses.

Interview 06

A gay male who was diagnosed in 2004 after being sexually assaulted. He had a severe sero-conversion illness requiring hospitalisation, and has been off work since then.

Interview 11

A single gay male who was diagnosed with HIV early on in the HIV epidemic. He has never been ill from HIV, and has an undetectable viral load.

Interview 12

A gay man of British/Irish descent who works full-time and is in a long-term partnership.

Interview 13

A single gay man born in South America who immigrated to the UK 15 years ago and now considers himself British. His viral load 300.

Interview 15

A gay man born in the Caribbean who immigrated to the UK. He presumes he was infected in a relationship after not always using condoms consistently.

Interview 17

A gay man born in France who immigrated to the UK 19 years ago, and is in a long-term relationship. He was diagnosed following a period of poor health.

Interview 20

A gay man who works full-time in job he loves, and is in a long-term relationship. He was diagnosed in March 2002 when he presented feeling unwell.

Interview 21

A professional gay man in full time work. He was diagnosed in September 2002 when he presented feeling tired and lacking in energy.

Interview 28

A 39 year old gay male health professional who works part time. He was diagnosed in 1986 after unprotected sex with a HIV positive partner.

Interview 33

A 38 year old father with a child, doing voluntary work for African orphans. He was born in Africa but is a British citizen.

Interview 35

A 40 year-old married man with 2 children, originally from Africa.

Interview 36

A black African man, over 40 years-old, who was discovered to be HIV positive after he became ill while visiting the UK.

Interview 39

A highly educated 38 year-old married black African man with 2 children.

Interview 40

She was diagnosed as HIV positive in 1994 when she got tested after a secretary at her work back in Africa became ill with HIV.

Interview 50

A 40 year-old married black African man with two children, who was born in the UK and is working full-time.