Interview EP29

Age at interview: 22
Age at diagnosis: 1
Brief Outline:
Carer (aged 44), of her son aged 22, who was diagnosed with epilepsy in 1982, at 16 months of age. Severe uncontrolled epilepsy and autism, symptoms of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, diagnosed in 1997. Has tried several different drugs, and ketogenic diet as a child. Currently on a gluten free and dairy free diet. Current medication' levetiracetam (Keppra) and carbamazepine (Tegretol).
Full time carer, married, 2 adult children.
More about me...
Explains what alerted her to a problem in her 14-month-old son.
Explains what alerted her to a problem in her 14-month-old son.
Soon after that, a month later, we were on holiday and my mother-in-law noticed that [my son] was going stiff and his eyes were rolling up, and then he would shake himself and then walk off. She thought that was particularly unusual. Being a first time parent I didn't really notice it. But when we came back from holiday we took him to our GP and told her what was happening, and she had, got us an appointment quite quickly to the [hospital] for tests. And by that time he was going stiff, rolling his eyes and then he was falling to the floor. We went to, when we went to the [hospital] we were, we had to go to the Hospital and he had an EEG and we were told he had epilepsy.
Discusses the drug changes her son experienced over the years, and diets.
Discusses the drug changes her son experienced over the years, and diets.
After the age of 15 he started to have tonic-clonic seizures, what used to be called grand mal attacks, and they increased in severity. At the ages, at the age of 17 he had another EEG and he was diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. This is when he, when he had periods of non-convulsive stasis seizures, so he was having seizures all the time. And at the age of 18 he went on to topirimate which made him very poorly. He, he became really inactive and lost a lot of weight. So we came off topirimate and just was on Tegretol, and he was on tiagabine but his seizures didn't really help. And between the ages of 18 and 21 he, he became virtually inactive. He didn't do anything, didn't say anything, didn't want to eat and slowly went down hill.
At the end of the, of 19, end of 2000 he presented with ulcerative colitis so he became even more ill than he was before. And so this year we tried him on levetiracetam (Keppra) and that's improved his behaviour and how he feels about himself a lot. He can talk a lot better now and his seizures don't seem to be so out of control. He's also still taking Tegretol. I put him on, on the gluten free and dairy free diet and that seems to, also to be helping his seizures at the moment.
Explains how her spirituality has helped her cope and understand.
Explains how her spirituality has helped her cope and understand.
Advises that carers accept help when needed and avoid over-protecting children.
Advises that carers accept help when needed and avoid over-protecting children.
So make sure your child knows as many people as he can possibly, or she can possibly meet, like a normal child really. Don't try and treat them like the like they're with kid gloves really, which I did. You know I treated him as he was this precious thing, which hasn't done him or me any good really in the end, because he won't go to anybody else.