Interview EP25

Age at interview: 32
Age at diagnosis: 20
Brief Outline: Diagnosed with epilepsy in 1988. Occasionally experiences night and day seizures, but had had none in the last 3 months. Current medication' Slow-release carbamazepine (Tegretol Retard).
Background: Part-time cleaner; divorced, no children.
More about me...
Discusses the breathing exercises that have helped her to relax more.
Discusses the breathing exercises that have helped her to relax more.
' It's just breathing through your belly rather than breathing through, because if you breath through your nose you feel all light-headed whereas you just, well you just sit there and just, or lie there and you just turn over. The last fit I actually had this year in the year 2002, or one of them is, I actually was in bed, this was, and I hit my head and the following day I had a fit and it really shocked me because I hadn't had one for a couple of months and it frightened me to hell. And I thought no, just relax again and it did actually go away.
Discusses gradually building up her confidence and becoming more independent.
Discusses gradually building up her confidence and becoming more independent.
Just myself and building up my confidence myself because a year ago, before I joined up with this group, I didn't relax, I just didn't do anything. I didn't work. I stayed at home or just went out and just saw people. I have now got a network of friends so getting the job, I'd like to get a full time job eventually. Obviously I'm gonna come across people saying 'Oh you've got epilepsy, you've got this,' and I'll say 'Well I've just worked doing a job, why not take me on now? I've proved again that I can actually work.' Because before my husband used to keep me but now I keep myself, I get a little bit of help but eventually I would like to get a full time job. Not now, in the far future, so that I can look after myself but still have the people around and the family around.