Interview EP11

More about me...
Recalls that she had symptoms of epilepsy a long time before she was actually diagnosed.
Recalls that she had symptoms of epilepsy a long time before she was actually diagnosed.
Eventually I landed up at the Hospital and discussing things with the lady, having scans and other tests, at the end of which they told me I had petit mal.
Recalls her experience of having an EEG.
Recalls her experience of having an EEG.
Explains that she was happy to have a label for her symptoms but was concerned about other peoples' reactions.
Explains that she was happy to have a label for her symptoms but was concerned about other peoples' reactions.
And how did you feel then when you?
What when I was diagnosed, shocked because I didn't consider these weird episodes to be epilepsy, I didn't know what they were, to be honest I thought I was going mad. I was wondering if I'd got some brain disease but I am a bit neurotic. Then when they told me I had epilepsy I was shocked and I didn't believe it because I always thought of epilepsy like the people I've seen having fits in the street. And in the end the doctor said to me you know that's, I said "How can I have petit mal?" And he said "Well these things you are doing that's the petit mal." And I sort of went "Oh," and I felt really stupid. But in a way I was relieved because I hadn't got a brain disease, touch wood. I hadn't got senile dementia or anything like that so I was relieved, I was happy to have a label, I was happy at the thought that there was treatment available that could help so, you know. I was worried about some people's reactions because it is a stigmatised disease but I didn't keep it secret, I just didn't advertise it. I was quite open about it because I have this belief that the best way to keep a secret is to keep it in the open, because then people aren't interested in it.
So yes you know I have not kept it secret although at first my initial reactions were, you know, how are people going to react to me. It's stigmatised, am I going to get worse, am I going to end up having proper fits, no, no, no, highly unlikely. So it was a confusing period but in the end I thought right I know what it is, it's better than what I thought it might have been, I can get tablets and I've not kept it a secret at all.
Describes the severe side effects she had with various anti-epileptic drugs.
Describes the severe side effects she had with various anti-epileptic drugs.
What were they?
I'd have to look that up. The next lot made me suicidal, I just wanted to end it all, life was so awful. So I gave them up. Er after this time I was, you know, anxious, worried, I'd had, I'd had a cure if you like, I wanted to get back there. I still want to get back there.''.
Er so after three failures I was not depressed but disappointed, you know. I've since tried two more, one, I remember the consultant saying to me "This one might take your skin off," and I thought he meant like sunburn
Silly me, what it actually does is separate, is separate the skin from the tissue, it is actually quite painful, so I gave up that one. I've been prescribed a sixth drug for months but because of the after effects of the last one I haven't got round to taking it yet.
Explains that she found some of the information on the internet frightening.
Explains that she found some of the information on the internet frightening.
Yes, yes I looked for information on the internet, I found the site of the British Epilepsy Society and to be honest I found their site quite scary. Er it dealt with some very heavy topics, I felt, far too heavy for little moi with my mild petit mal er so I didn't get very far with that. I did look for support groups on the internet and I didn't find any, at least not anywhere near me. I suppose I ought to look again. Er but basically I found a lot of information on the net very frightening. I didn't find it very relevant to me at all. I didn't find that much information on what I have got which is apparently called atypical partial seizures. My sister, who is a doctor, also looked on the internet and she also looked on those sites which are available for doctors. And she didn't come up with much either, not much that she felt was useful. She printed me off two or three papers but apparently most of the work on atypical partial seizures is done on children er so she found me some stuff on that. But no I didn't find it very, and I'm quite good at finding things on the internet, I mean I spend a lot of time on the internet so I was a bit disappointed.
Explains how her epilepsy affected friendships.
Explains how her epilepsy affected friendships.
Yes it did because a lot of people didn't understand what was going on. It began affecting my friendships before I was diagnosed because my behaviour was getting a bit erratic if you like. Not that I noticed but they apparently did, so I wasn't considered socially reliable if you like or reliable to behave, you know, appropriately. Well I didn't do anything drastically wrong. I just said the wrong things and didn't follow the conversations and I always seemed about three or four steps behind or whatever. So it did have a serious effect on my friendships because no one knew what was going on and I retreated, they retreated, you know, that's about it really.