Eczema (young people)
Profiles - Female

Aisha is 21 and works as a nanny. She is single. Her ethnicity is Pakistani.


Anissa is 20 years old and studying for her foundation degree. She is single and lives in student halls. Her ethnicity is Arab and White English.

Cat is 24 years old and an engineer. She is single and lives in rented accommodation with housemates. Her ethnicity is White English.

Ele is 22 and an administrator. She is single and lives in shared accommodation. Her ethnicity is White British.

Evie, aged 20, is a university student. She also works as a part-time customer assistant. Her ethnicity is White British.

Georgia is 20 years old and works part time as an administrative assistant. Her ethnicity is White British.

Hazel is 21 years old and works as an administration assistant. She is single and lives in shared accommodation. Her ethnicity is White British.

Jessica is 20 years old and an undergraduate university student. Her ethnic background is Indian British.

Katie-Lauren is 19 years old and an undergraduate university student. She is in a relationship and lives in shared accommodation. Her ethnicity is White English.

Laura is 22 and a freelance interpreter. She is single and lives in rented accommodation. Her ethnicity is White British.

Lizzie is 19 years old and an undergraduate University student. She lives with her parents outside of term times. Her ethnicity is White British.

Maham is 21 years old, single and of Pakistani descent. Her most recent employment was as a research intern.

Molly is 21 and a University undergraduate student. She is single and lives in shared accommodation. Her ethnicity is White British.

Naomi is 17 years old and a business administrator. She is single and lives with her parents and siblings. Her ethnic background is Mixed (Black Caribbean and White).

Sarah is 23 years old and a charity/youth worker. Her ethnic background is White British.

Vicky is 19 years old and a deputy manager. Her ethnic background is White British.