
Ele has had eczema all her life. Her doctors have prescribed her a number of topical treatments with little success. She now tends to use shop-bought creams and hopes to manage her eczema in the future through a healthier lifestyle.
Ele is 22 and an administrator. She is single and lives in shared accommodation. Her ethnicity is White British.
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Ele has had eczema her entire life, but isn’t sure what causes it. She predominantly gets eczema on her hands, eyelids and the back of her knees, although she has also had it on her legs and the inside of her thighs. She feels lucky that her eczema is relatively minor, however she says she is unable to wear jeans or trousers because the material irritates her skin. Her eczema gets worse when she does not drinking enough water, eats salty food, has caffeine and dairy products, and not enough fruits and vegetables in her diet. She stays away from perfumed shower gels, uses gloves for washing the dishes and finds that cheap soaps irritate her skin. Weather changes also affect Ele’s eczema, with winter being a particularly bad season for her. She lived abroad in Egypt for a year during her undergraduate degree where the warmer climate improved her eczema. Ele’s eczema is also affected by stress and became notably worse during her A-levels and when she was diagnosed with depression.
Ele and her doctors have tried to use a variety of topical creams for her eczema with little success. She is allergic to E45 and many steroid creams. The financial implications of having to pay for prescriptions that do not always work have been a particular worry for her. She has used Bio-Oil, Dove and Nivea moisturisers in the past. Although her skin responded well to these at first, they stopped working after a while and started burning the skin on her hands. Whenever she can, she prefers to use natural ingredients to sooth her eczema. She often uses the internet as a point of reference when her skin feel itchy and she has recently tried some home remedies such as applying cold porridge and natural yoghurt to her hands.
Ele had been very self-conscious about her eczema as a teenager. There was an incident whilst she was working in a café whereby a woman told her she didn’t want her touching the sandwich she was making. Although she now feels able to openly speak about her eczema, she still sometimes catches people starring at her hands in public.
Ele’s hopes for the future are that she will be able to control her eczema through a healthy lifestyle. She worries that eating healthy is very expensive but hopes that it will be easier when she moves in with her boyfriend as they will be able to split food bills. Ele had considered trying some steroid creams again but finds it particularly difficult and impractical to make appointments and visit her GP within the working hours of her current job.
Ele found that it was particularly difficult not to scratch her eczema when she was a teenager but says that this has since got easier to control.
Ele found that it was particularly difficult not to scratch her eczema when she was a teenager but says that this has since got easier to control.
Ele explains about the difficulties of having eczema on her hands, including after moisturising and with using soaps.
Ele explains about the difficulties of having eczema on her hands, including after moisturising and with using soaps.
And I found that doing it gradually takes a lot more time so just for speed sake I’ll just whack a load on and rub it into my hands but then obviously you’re having to touch things and also if, so many times I’ve still not gotten used to moisturising just getting it all rubbed in and then being like I’ve got to go to the bathroom. So obviously going in, just moisturised, I have to wash my hands. And also in work it’s they tend to go for sort of cheaper soaps so going, and obviously I’m going to use soap when I’d been to the bathroom because to not would just be grim but at the same time just looking at it oh this is not going to be good. So just from that sort of point of view just having to be so careful about what I use on my skin and with washing up as well, sort of having to do washing up without marigolds the sort of yellow gloves that just turns into a three act play because, you know, they use it and then it dries out my skin. And then I've got to moisturise some more and it’s just sort of everything has to be done, anything sort of to do with water and my hands I’ve got to factor in the fact that I'm going to have to moisturise after doing it. Which does get frustrating especially when you’re trying to do something quickly and leave it and also leaving a bathroom with wet hands is never an option, ever.
Studies, work and living away from family are all sources of stress that have affected Ele’s eczema.
Studies, work and living away from family are all sources of stress that have affected Ele’s eczema.
Ele has tried many different prescribed and shop-bought emollients for her eczema. She’s currently using one which she really likes, but worries it’ll stop being so effective.
Ele has tried many different prescribed and shop-bought emollients for her eczema. She’s currently using one which she really likes, but worries it’ll stop being so effective.
I’m using something called Aveeno which I bought in Boots I went, I basically went in and my hand was sort of gnarled where it was so tight, my skin was so tight and flaky and I went into the pharmacist banged my hand on the counter and was just like “What can I do about this”? And she took me over to this Aveeno stuff and it’s quite pricey it’s sort of 13 quid for 500 millilitres I think it is but it’s got porridge in it, got natural oatmeal which, you know, I’ve been doing sort of putting natural yoghurt on my hand and putting it in cold porridge like making porridge baths for my hand. Because oatmeal apparently is so good for it but yeh that’s working really, really well at the moment so I’m just sort of enjoying that while it lasts. Been using that for about three weeks now and it’s a lot better than it was but it’s still not great but it’s better than it was.
Ele talks about the cost putting her off from trying some home remedies.
Ele talks about the cost putting her off from trying some home remedies.
Ele worries that others will judge her negatively for having eczema on her hands.
Ele worries that others will judge her negatively for having eczema on her hands.
Ele tries to have a healthy diet, but finds there are barriers. She also doesn’t want to miss out on eating the foods she enjoys most.
Ele tries to have a healthy diet, but finds there are barriers. She also doesn’t want to miss out on eating the foods she enjoys most.
So you’ve found that to be a trigger?
Yeh I just, but working full time now, then I do kind of, my caffeine intake has gone up so much and its really showing in my skin actually but I don’t think about it, someone says “Oh do you want a cup of tea”?, it’s just like “Yeh go on then” and realise oh that’s my sixth one in the past 20 minutes [laughter] yeh it, it doesn’t help. But yeh the thing is with my skin pretty much everything is a trigger so it’s kind of I could do this whole thing where I never eat junk food and I never go out drinking and I never drink caffeine or anything like that but, but you know, that would take so much that I enjoy out because you know, I love pizza I don’t want to give pizza up I know it’s full of salt and it dehydrates you and it’s awful for you and all of that but it tastes so good. I’m not, I will take the dry skin if it means I can have a lot of those.
It’s finding a balance between.
Yeh and that’s the other thing with living by myself, I’m not very good with getting fruit and vegetables because I normally get in from work at sort of half eight at night and at that point I’m so tired I just can’t be bothered cooking properly so I’ll just grab something I’ll just eat some pasta or something like that and I definitely don’t get enough fruit and vegetables into my system and I know that that makes my skin worse, but at that point I just don’t care. So I, I should really sort that out but it’s just effort and I’m lazy [laughter].