
Sam experienced bulimia since his teens. He never had counselling for a long period of time but through other forms of support and life changes, the bulimia gradually faded when he was around 18. He is now fully recovered and describes the time with eating disorder like 'a previous life'.
Sam is 25 and runs the only UK charity for men with eating disorders; 'Men Get Eating Disorders Too'. He is single and lives on his own. White British.
More about me...
Extended bullying over years was a major factor in triggering Sam’s bulimia.
Extended bullying over years was a major factor in triggering Sam’s bulimia.
Sam had always thought bingeing and purging was just something he'd invented. The first time he realised it might be bulimia nervosa was when reading an agony aunt column.
Sam had always thought bingeing and purging was just something he'd invented. The first time he realised it might be bulimia nervosa was when reading an agony aunt column.
Sam decided to start running peer support groups for men at MGEDT. It was hard to get people to attend, but once they had they often came back.
Sam decided to start running peer support groups for men at MGEDT. It was hard to get people to attend, but once they had they often came back.
We have piloted a face to face group last year in [City] for a year. It was a bit of a tricky one to be honest I mean we did get quite a few guys you know contacting but not necessarily coming to the meetings despite all the tricks in the book to try and get them there. And of course it is very daunting for any man, particularly when they’re not getting help anywhere else, to put the step, feet through the door and take part in a group. It’s quite scary particularly when they might still be very much within their eating disorder and not that at that point of recovery or willing to recover.
But once we got men through the door it’s quite, they kind of got a lot out of it and actually came back to meetings so there was, it was quite successful in that sense. I mean we hope to sort of re-visit that again at some point in the future.
MGEDT hosted regular online chats for men with eating disorders. Sam describes them as online drop-ins where people can come and go anonymously.
MGEDT hosted regular online chats for men with eating disorders. Sam describes them as online drop-ins where people can come and go anonymously.
Sam didn’t want to tell his family about eating problems. His mum found out when, a counsellor...
Sam didn’t want to tell his family about eating problems. His mum found out when, a counsellor...
Sam was bullied in school since he was 11. Teachers had no control over it. Sam started comfort eating which eventually turned to purging.
Sam was bullied in school since he was 11. Teachers had no control over it. Sam started comfort eating which eventually turned to purging.
Through running peer support groups for men, Sam has noticed that men don't always recognise the signs and symptoms of eating disorders.
Through running peer support groups for men, Sam has noticed that men don't always recognise the signs and symptoms of eating disorders.
Sam believes that if he was a woman, the GP would've diagnosed him with bulimia nervosa. His GP thought he was suffering from depression and prescribed antidepressants.
Sam believes that if he was a woman, the GP would've diagnosed him with bulimia nervosa. His GP thought he was suffering from depression and prescribed antidepressants.
Sam decided to set up the UK's first charity for eating disorders in men. He describes the success of MGEDT (Men Get Eating Disorders Too).
Sam decided to set up the UK's first charity for eating disorders in men. He describes the success of MGEDT (Men Get Eating Disorders Too).
And then various other people got on board at that point which became the trustees, so I thought well why don’t I set up the charity and ITV Fixers paid for a consultant to help me to do that, and I had lots of different ideas about how it might develop, by having online support and face to face support groups, to create a training package for professionals, which we have all done now. So you know that was crucial because if we were a registered charity and we had to get funding and so to cut a long story short, you know, it’s happened in quite a short period of time really and you know it feels like a lot longer than it has in one sense, but then you know it only felt like yesterday that I probably thought of the idea.