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Katherine became aware of calories when her parents tried to help her lose weight.
Katherine became aware of calories when her parents tried to help her lose weight.
I didn’t really understand about calories at the age of kind of 11 or 12. So it was really just that was the connection. I knew that when my parents beforehand had tried to kind of help me kind of lower my weight in a safe healthy way, and had kind of given me, for instance like lower fat versions of crisps and things like that. So it must have been just that was all I knew, that I made the connection between okay well losing weight must be equalled with kind of you know reducing the fat in your diet. So I kind of went about it in that way.
Katherine was obsessively checking food labels, controlling what food her parents gave her and eliminating one food group after another.
Katherine was obsessively checking food labels, controlling what food her parents gave her and eliminating one food group after another.
Katherine and her parents weren't impressed by their GP. Katherine felt her problems were belittled as if she could just snap into eating more.
Katherine and her parents weren't impressed by their GP. Katherine felt her problems were belittled as if she could just snap into eating more.
Hypnotherapy helped Katherine develop skills she didn't gain from CBT. She describes what happened in the sessions.
Hypnotherapy helped Katherine develop skills she didn't gain from CBT. She describes what happened in the sessions.
And what do you feel that the benefit of it was for you?
I think I just had more confidence to kind of, I was more not necessarily enthused is the right word, but just more willing to kind of approach the, not necessarily the treatment that was being given to me, but on my own terms to kind of improve rather than, whereas beforehand I was just on this sort of flat level of, “I am not going to improve, I am not going to take any steps to try and improve my condition or get better.” The hypnotherapy kind of sort of rationalised I think a bit for me, and sort of helped me realise that you know the behaviour and the lifestyle that I was living was not healthy, it wasn’t fair, and I just sort of approached it more, with more clarity.
When on holiday in a different environment, Katherine experienced new freedom. When she decided to eat one prawn cocktail crisp her parents sat in stunned silence.
When on holiday in a different environment, Katherine experienced new freedom. When she decided to eat one prawn cocktail crisp her parents sat in stunned silence.
Hearing compliments from guys at university gave Katherine confidence that she’d not had before.
Hearing compliments from guys at university gave Katherine confidence that she’d not had before.
I’ve always, a in my previous kind of long term relationship that was never an element of it, but also because I don’t think of myself in that way. I don’t, and it’s only, it’s literally only been since coming to Uni that kind of other guys have started to comment on my appearance, and you kind of think, “Oh maybe I’m not actually horrifically unattractive, you know.” And it’s reassuring that kind of there is, you know people see you in that kind of positive light. That you, I just didn’t think that people did at all, and it’s not how I thought about myself. So it’s kind of only impacted positively really. And also like having someone else there who you know finds you attractive and you know, in terms of your personality and your looks, kind of gives you the confidence to take those like big jumps that you need to sometimes with food.
Katherine did a presentation in school about eating disorders. Her talk was met with silence and a big round of applause.
Katherine did a presentation in school about eating disorders. Her talk was met with silence and a big round of applause.
Katherine said that university dinners could be fun for anyone without an eating disorder, but for her, they were 'a nightmare'.
Katherine said that university dinners could be fun for anyone without an eating disorder, but for her, they were 'a nightmare'.
Before, Katherine couldn't go on dates that involved eating but it's not a problem for her anymore. She's been able to try new restaurants and explore new cuisines.
Before, Katherine couldn't go on dates that involved eating but it's not a problem for her anymore. She's been able to try new restaurants and explore new cuisines.
And so kind of going out for meals and things, which is totally you know quite like a big element, particularly when you’re here and like the guy who I’m seeing is also at the Uni, so sometimes the only time that we do have to go and see each other of an evening is if we go out for a meal. And whereas beforehand that would be a really big issue for me, there is no chance of me being able to kind of pursue a relationship if it meant going out for eating then, it’s not an issue now. And I just kind of, he has very bizarre tastes, so he’ll take me to all these random restaurants and I just go with it, now it’s just not an issue. So yeah, not that’s kind of helping me rather than being an inhibitor.