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Jasmin’s diagnosis changed from bulimia nervosa to a purging type of anorexia nervosa.
Jasmin’s diagnosis changed from bulimia nervosa to a purging type of anorexia nervosa.
Writing down what she ate and the associated negative thoughts and feelings, helped Jasmin become more aware of why she was behaving in certain ways and find alternative perspectives.
Writing down what she ate and the associated negative thoughts and feelings, helped Jasmin become more aware of why she was behaving in certain ways and find alternative perspectives.
Jasmin wrote diaries for herself but also on her own recovery website. She found it helpful to get her thoughts out by writing.
Jasmin wrote diaries for herself but also on her own recovery website. She found it helpful to get her thoughts out by writing.
Jasmin is a Beat Ambassador and says that it makes things easier when people were surrounded by people who understood them when they were recovering.
Jasmin is a Beat Ambassador and says that it makes things easier when people were surrounded by people who understood them when they were recovering.
I feel like there is a reason for everything and as horrible as the whole experience has been there’s a reason it, it’s made me a much stronger person I think, and a much happier person now. Because I’ve learnt so much about myself, and I just think from this I’d like to be able to do something positive with it. I’d like to be able to help other people or raise awareness, because I think raising awareness is, that would help a lot more people… just, I think, for people in recovery if they’re surrounded by people that understand, it would make it a lot easier. It would make people feel like they could be a lot more open about it. The way doctors deal with it I think if doctors were more aware of it, so yeah that’s just kind of why I chose to want to be an Ambassador for them because I just want to help do something good with the experience and help other people.
Jasmin started her own recovery website to help others. She covers information about eating disorders and general mental health.
Jasmin started her own recovery website to help others. She covers information about eating disorders and general mental health.
Jasmin knows how difficult it can be to know what to say to someone with an eating disorder. She said that all that matters was to know that friends were there for her.
Jasmin knows how difficult it can be to know what to say to someone with an eating disorder. She said that all that matters was to know that friends were there for her.
Jasmin describes how eating with others helped her feel more relaxed about portion sizes and eating out.
Jasmin describes how eating with others helped her feel more relaxed about portion sizes and eating out.
If anything it can be easier eating with people cos I feel more in control, even though I’m not more in control now anyway it’s, a lot better, you know. It’s, it’s more if I’m on my own that it’s harder but, like as in completely alone but, you know, if I’m with people then, I don’t, I feel, I kind of feel safe with what I’m eating I can think, you know, ‘this is okay, I’m out” and cos that was always a bit of an issue, you know, portion sizes and, mixing foods and things I always struggled with. But having, if I’m with people and, I can see what other people are eating I think that then I think, can think ‘okay this is the, I’m doing the right thing’.