Diabetes Type 2

Resources and Information

Online learning about diabetes for patients and professionals.

Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes, funding research, campaigning and helping people live with the condition. The site has lots of information, recepies, a newsletter, Balance magazine, a helpline and lists of local support groups. 
Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation
Aim to assist in the relief of people with diabetes and to raise awareness about diabetes and its associated complications.
Diabetes treatment decision aid
Decision-making aid from NICE to help make decisions on controlling blood glucose using a second medicine.
Glycemic Index
An Australian site of a database of foods with their nutrition status, especially their effect on blood sugar levels. They have a contact form on their website.
National Service Framework for Diabetes
This framework sets quality standards for diabetes care. The standards aim to improve care for people with diabetes in England and to improve the quality of services.

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