Nikki and Chris - Interview 27

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Chris explains the trial was to test a new saliva screening tool. This tests for cortisol levels in children with asthma who take inhaled corticosteroids, and so may reduce the need for blood tests.
Chris explains the trial was to test a new saliva screening tool. This tests for cortisol levels in children with asthma who take inhaled corticosteroids, and so may reduce the need for blood tests.
And then the trial was, she had to, as soon as she got up of a morning, for three mornings, she had to chew cotton wool. And we put it in a bag and put it in, in the freezer in a special box, because the trial was about seeing if they could get levels of cortisol from children just chewing the cotton wool rather than doing a blood test. But in order to find that out they obviously have to do a blood test after the three days to see what the levels are. So we did that for three days. On the third day we took Sarah to the hospital, where she met the nurse and a lovely doctor as well who, who sat with her and chatted. And they had all sorts of games and books and things for her, to, to distract her. And they did, I think it’s called a synacthen test, a long syn...
Nikki and Chris were very pleased with the information and support from the research nurse before the trial. It helped that she sat on the floor with their daughter and showed her what would happen.
Nikki and Chris were very pleased with the information and support from the research nurse before the trial. It helped that she sat on the floor with their daughter and showed her what would happen.
Nikki' We had something, something to read and we also had, as I say, the nurse phoned us and went through everything. And then when she realised that we, we were going to go for it, she came out. She came out twice, didn’t she? The first time she came out and it was, it was just to show Sarah. She got all of the things out, you know, the boxes that we were going to use, the cotton wool, the Emla, all of that. She got it out and sat down on the floor with her and went through everything, and then chatted with us and explained what the trial was about and how important it was that they did this. Because it meant that hopefully in the future they wouldn’t have to do blood tests on children. They could just rely on this, on the chewing of the cotton wool.
Nikki and Chris's daughter liked having the nurse come to their home and explain the trial; it made her feel very special and she liked the idea of helping other children who are poorly.
Nikki and Chris's daughter liked having the nurse come to their home and explain the trial; it made her feel very special and she liked the idea of helping other children who are poorly.
She did and she was very down to earth. You know, she just came in, got on the floor and was like, “Right” you know. And that’s what you want, that’s what kids want. They don’t want somebody white coat sat there that they feel they can’t talk to. You know, Sarah asked her questions and felt like she could. Which, which has, you know, helped her because she, she knew, and if she had any questions we’d say, “Well, we’ll phone the, the nurse” you know. Because she knew her first name, that’s what, you know, “We’ll, we’ll phone her and put your mind at rest” or say, you know, “She’s coming out today to see you.” And so she felt a bit special, that somebody’s coming to see her and it’s her special nurse.
Because their daughter was very poorly, Nikki and Chris could see the value of giving consent for her to take part in a trial.
Because their daughter was very poorly, Nikki and Chris could see the value of giving consent for her to take part in a trial.
So later on it, you know, it, when we did the trial it was important because we, we wanted to know. And we could explain to her as well that, “You’ve been so ill.” Because she, you know, this, was from the January to the March, and it was the March when we got asked to do it, “You know, it, we might just find out something and be able to help you.” And because she had been so ill as well, I think she was a bit more receptive to, because she’d had enough, hadn’t she? You know, she, she kept saying, “Why me? Why am I always ill? Why. ?” And then, so we were able to say, “Well, let’s see if we can find out.” And, and, and the nurse said that to her as well, didn’t she? So, so it was more, there were all positives for her at that point rather than all she focused on the time before was blood tests, “I’m not having it.”
Nikki and Chris were keen for their daughter to take part in a screening study for children with asthma, because she was very poorly and they wanted to know more about how her health was being affected by the drugs she was taking.
Nikki and Chris were keen for their daughter to take part in a screening study for children with asthma, because she was very poorly and they wanted to know more about how her health was being affected by the drugs she was taking.
Nikki' It was to put our minds at rest that there wasn’t a problem, with her being so ill and with her being very small, that, that there wasn’t something going on that we’d, we’d missed, which it turned out that there was, but, so that, that’s what made us. We, you know, we knew that she was too ill for there to be, for her to be okay and there to be nothing wrong. And it’s, you know, they were saying, “Well, let’s put your mind at rest.” So it, it just seemed win-win all the way round. You know, we were going to be taking part in a trial which was going to help someone and we were going to get to find out if the drug had had any effect on her immune system. We had no idea that, that the drug could cause such damage.
The trial was only three days, but waiting for results was quite stressful for Nikki and Chris.
The trial was only three days, but waiting for results was quite stressful for Nikki and Chris.
It was, for three days she had to chew this cotton wool as soon as she woke up. And on the third day, that afternoon we went to the hospital and they did the, the test. And it was the following morning that we got the phone call to say, “Come straight back and, and we’ve got medicine here for her.”
Giving consent for their daughter to take part in a trial helped Nikki and Chris, and it may help other children.
Giving consent for their daughter to take part in a trial helped Nikki and Chris, and it may help other children.
And, and how does it feel sort of consenting for your daughter to take part in something?
Because of their daughter's continued poor health, Nikki and Chris were pleased to consent for their daughter to take part in a research study for children with asthma.
Because of their daughter's continued poor health, Nikki and Chris were pleased to consent for their daughter to take part in a research study for children with asthma.
Nikki' Sarah was diagnosed as being asthmatic when she was 18 months old, and at that point we then tried a whole range of preventer inhalers but none of them seemed to get her asthma under control. And when she was about three we switched to a, a drug called Seretide. And Sarah was on very high doses of Seretide and we did have concerns about her immune system and whether it would, it would impact on it or not. And then when she was about 5 we noticed that she was ill all the time. She was constantly ill. And we mentioned it at the hospital, this was in the, the December 2008, and, and we said we were quite concerned. But they seemed to think children get viruses all the time, so it was quite normal. But we, we made a note. There was two things. We made a note from the, the December to the March when she next went back to hospital of all the times that she was ill. And, and in that time she just, she had septic tonsillitis, three lots of conjunctivitis, two chest infections, a, a vomiting bug. She was just constantly ill. And we also noticed that she, whereas the, the other children or us would, might get one of the illnesses, she would have it for a longer period of time. And the other thing that we noticed was that she was, although one of the oldest children in a, like a pre-Brownies group that she went to, she was the smallest. And we’re quite tall, so that again concerned us. So when we went back to hospital and we put all this to them, the height thing was the thing that made alarm bells ring.
Chris: Cajoling.
Nikki: - trying to sway her a little bit more in a positive... The last time it was just, “It’s a trial and we’ve said no and it doesn’t matter.” But we, we sort of wanted to know for our own minds as well whether the Seretide was having any sort of effect. Because, as I say, she was just constantly ill and they were major illnesses. You know, septic tonsillitis when you’re 5 is, or any age it’s awful, but when it’s just followed a chest infection and it follows something else, we wanted to know was this normal and, and she was just a normal child getting ill, or was there something we could do about it? And it has turned out that there was something we could do about it.
Nikki's daughter did not want to take part in a clinical trial because of a previous bad experience with a blood test.
Nikki's daughter did not want to take part in a clinical trial because of a previous bad experience with a blood test.
Well, we’d, we’d gone to the hospital for one of her routine visits with her consultant. And the clinical trial nurse came in and, and said to us that she would be a good candidate for going on this trial, could she get in touch with us afterwards? Which, we, we let her and she, you know, she phoned and she came out to the house and she went through everything. But, you see, the minute that she said it was a blood test, she just wouldn’t.
Nikki and Chris chose not to claim for any travelling or car parking expenses.
Nikki and Chris chose not to claim for any travelling or car parking expenses.
Chris' Not for those trials, no. In fact, no, for none of them was there anything mentioned. I have to say I’ve never pursued and wouldn’t have taken it had it been. And I think they’ve probably picked that up in the past that we weren’t in that… Because it’s quite, that specialist hospital, because it deals with so many children and some of them are vastly worse condition than Sarah, I know they do have a system where you can go to, there’s like a cash office and they do give assistance. And it is notifiable around the hospital for parking and travel and things. So I think they’d be like, it, because it’s not a general hospital, I think they know it’s available if you choose to take it anyway. But we wouldn’t have bothered anyway, would we?
Talking to other trial participants is something Nikki and Chris would like to do if they were to consider any future trials that required new or more invasive treatments for their daughter.
Talking to other trial participants is something Nikki and Chris would like to do if they were to consider any future trials that required new or more invasive treatments for their daughter.
Nikki' I think it, I think it would depend. I think we would get, gather all the information is what we tend to do [isn’t it?] and say, you know, “What’s it about? Why, why are we doing it? How invasive is it?” And, you know, for the likes of Sarah you –
The continuity and the approachability of nurses were important to Nikki and Chris and helped them to feel more positive about enrolling their daughter in other trials in the future.
The continuity and the approachability of nurses were important to Nikki and Chris and helped them to feel more positive about enrolling their daughter in other trials in the future.
Nikki: Yes, but as I say, the number from the nurse and then to the consultant that she referred us to, that, you know, that we’ve got mobile numbers, emails, everything. You know, they’ve been so approachable and nothing’s been any trouble. So, you know, we were phoning that nurse most days [weren’t we?] in between going to see the consultant and that. And, and she was great. It never felt like, you know, “Oh, it’s them again.” It was, “Right, okay, what’s wrong?” Even when we repeated questions or I’d found, you know, because she said, “Don’t go on the Internet and, you know, looking at Wikipedia for adrenal insufficiency, because you’ll get terrified.” But you can’t help it. You’re going to do that. You know, it, it’s like this site. If I’d have known that this site was there it would have helped us, wouldn’t it? Just to, to have that realism that somebody going through it and come out the other, the other end. Because you, you just, our world just went to pieces, didn’t it?
Chris and his daughter were invited to take part in a one-day research study at a clinic visit. Because the nurse was a familiar face, their daughter was willing to take part and pleased to be helping other children.
Chris and his daughter were invited to take part in a one-day research study at a clinic visit. Because the nurse was a familiar face, their daughter was willing to take part and pleased to be helping other children.
Chris: We were actually approached by the original trial nurse who introduced me to another trial nurse, because it’s a specialist hospital so the place is positively buzzing with them. Which was a good move because Sarah was with me at the time and that meant that Sarah naturally relaxed to a degree because it was a familiar face. And then they explained to both of us what the trial was. And almost instantly I thought, “I can see absolutely no harm in, in joining that trial.” It’s a simple urine sample. And it’s, I don’t know if it is directly related to the original, but it’s in a very similar area. And again, as I said before, I personally, I was thinking selfishly, “It’s just possible they’ll discover that Sarah’s levels drop very rapidly. She might need to have it balanced or . . .” and so quite willingly and speed-, I think, I don’t know if I did phone you at home and say, -- [You did, yes.] “We’re going ahead with it.” But we could see no reason not to.
Chris: Like an information pack. [Yes.]
And again did it explain anything about different groups?
Chris: No there was no mention of the grouping or the –
Nikki: No. Why you were chosen or anything.
Chris: It looked like, it looked from what I remember reading it as if it was a, very much a one-to-one trial on looking to see the variation in rates between individuals as opposed to… But there was nothing to particularly explain that. That’s my assumption more from the fact that they didn’t mention that it was going to be done in any areas groups, age bands or, because they did, they did record individual age, the time you started to use these steroids, how long you’d been on them. That kind of information went with it. So exactly what pitch they were making within all that data I’m not really sure.
Nikki had searched the internet for information on her daughter's condition but the internet can be frightening. Seeing people talk about their experiences is helpful.
Nikki had searched the internet for information on her daughter's condition but the internet can be frightening. Seeing people talk about their experiences is helpful.
Nikki' Yes, it is hard, isn’t it? I know, you know, another one of ours has got asthma and they thought for a while he had cystic fibrosis. And in between them thinking that and them doing the test, I did go on the Internet. And it, it frightens you to death, you know, because it does seem to be all the time, “Oh” and, “Worst case” and, you know, “This could happen” and, and that. Whereas if you, if you see people being interviewed and it’s real and they’ve come through the other side or you, you know, you’re reading a lot, a lot softer, I think it, it would, it would help a bit. Because you can’t help but go and look things up; if, if it’s there and especially if it’s about your child and health and things, you, you want to know.