Lena - Interview 20

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Lena is married with three children ages 11, nine and two years. Lena works part time as a child-minder. Lena consented for her youngest child to receive the swine flu vaccine as part of a clinical trial for children under the age of three years.
Sometimes the maternal instinct to protect your child plays a part in wanting to enrol them in a clinical trial.
Sometimes the maternal instinct to protect your child plays a part in wanting to enrol them in a clinical trial.
Well I, just because the, you do listen to the, what’s on the news and read the papers, and you, and you just think is it really? And we had some friends who, she was pregnant and she’d taken the Tamiflu was it? I think it was Tamiflu it was called. And she’d actually miscarried. So we knew that it was quite a serious, a serious flu bug. Whether it, I mean it actually transpired it wasn’t as bad as they thought it was going to be, didn’t it really? But I mean healthy children were obviously becoming quite ill with it, and we thought well she would have had the actual vaccine, so we were happy for her to have the vaccine early is the way that we looked at it. Like I said my other children wanted it as well. They weren’t invited.
At the end of the trial, knowing her daughter had immunity to swine flu was important to Lena.
At the end of the trial, knowing her daughter had immunity to swine flu was important to Lena.
No, no, I think, I mean because the trial, like it was quite a while afterwards the results took to come out. But I remember phoning up and saying was she covered by the swine flu because we hadn’t heard. They’d given us a date, I can’t remember what the date was, they’d given us a date and said that you should hear by this date. And I’d contacted them and said, “We haven’t heard.” And they said oh it’s because, I think the postal strike, there was a postal strike on or, so they said “We will contact you.” And they did contact us. And then they phoned again to check that everything was okay. So it was; they were very informative. Yeah.
If your child experiences side effects from a treatment as part of a clinical trial it is important to inform the researchers.
If your child experiences side effects from a treatment as part of a clinical trial it is important to inform the researchers.
Did you think, “Oh maybe I shouldn’t be doing this?”
Balancing the risks versus the benefits was important to Lena before giving consent for her daughter to take part in a swine flu vaccine trial.
Balancing the risks versus the benefits was important to Lena before giving consent for her daughter to take part in a swine flu vaccine trial.
Right so from what I can remember she was up to date with all her jabs. And the swine flu, so the swine flu was just, everyone was just hearing about it, and starting to panic. Not me panicking as such, but it was there was quite a lot of in the newspapers, a lot of I don’t know. They were just drumming it up so it was sort of like scare mongering. So we got this letter from the from the Local Health Authority asking us if we were interested in joining our youngest daughter in the study, because she fitted the age group that was required, which was six months to I think it was four years. I don’t know if I remember correctly. There was different age categories but that was the only category that was required of us. My son who was 11 at the time was desperate to join the study because he was convinced that [he] was going to die of swine flu. But he wasn’t selected, much to his annoyance.
The first appointment was long and quite hectic and Lena's daughter didn't like having blood samples taken. However, the research team were really nice and made it as easy as possible.
The first appointment was long and quite hectic and Lena's daughter didn't like having blood samples taken. However, the research team were really nice and made it as easy as possible.
She was the first appointment, quite a long one. Because you had to have a blood test taken, which she wouldn’t let them do, but it was, she could still go ahead. But they wanted to take a blood test, a sample to see whether she actually had an immunity against the swine flu already. But they couldn’t take that one, but they also then had to do to check her over that she was fit and well for the study. And then she had to have the first swine flu jab. And then we had to wait afterwards so a very long appointment. And as I said before that she, we, well we foster, and we had a newborn foster baby with us at the time, but, so it was quite hectic and it was very, very busy there, with lots of people. But the staff were really, really nice and the nurses were dressed in you know, bright coloured uniforms, and there was a television playing. But Matilda was a bit too young to actually appreciate, but I watched it. Well as much as I could with two babies, but, yeah, no it was very good. It was, they did a very good job, and they were very informative; lots of information, lots of help numbers.
Lena put the expenses received in her daughter's saving account.
Lena put the expenses received in her daughter's saving account.
Yeah that’s why I’m saying, yeah I think he’d quite like that, well also you see we, not that we did it for that, because we didn’t know that. When we first, after the first meeting they said, “And obviously we’ll pay your travelling expenses for doing the trial.” So, and we said, “Well make it payable to our daughter.” And it wasn’t, it was, it was minimal, it was really just to cover the petrol and the parking. And our son said, “So she’s getting paid as well as that she’s not going to die from Swine Flu”. Oh is that all you think about is it. So when the cheque come through in her name he went, “Here we go.” Yes, tiny tiny amount, but yeah. [But it’s something.] Yeah well it did, I mean but they obviously wanted you there at, they didn’t tell you that at all in the beginning that’s what they were going to pay you, so it was only after you turned up after the first one, they said that we’ll pay you a small amount for your expenses.
Possible side effects of having the swine flu vaccine were explained in great detail. Knowing that the vaccine had been tested for safety by organisations with familiar names was also reassuring for Lena.
Possible side effects of having the swine flu vaccine were explained in great detail. Knowing that the vaccine had been tested for safety by organisations with familiar names was also reassuring for Lena.
And do you think because it was kind of very kind of low risk perhaps that’s one of the reasons perhaps you took part?
Lena's daughter experienced a high temperature and soreness after the second vaccine injection that they recorded, but knowing about the side effects and what to expect was reassuring.
Lena's daughter experienced a high temperature and soreness after the second vaccine injection that they recorded, but knowing about the side effects and what to expect was reassuring.
Yes, yes. They went through, so that’s why when she had the side effects really badly we weren’t too, we were concerned, but we knew that, to expect them so, and I think it, perhaps it was a bit more of a shock because after the first vaccine she hadn’t had any side effects. There was no redness and it was, almost a bit of a, “Oh okay.” But not a let down, but okay, so she’s actually fine with all of this, you know. There’s all this, “Oh you must contact this, and this may happen, and this may,” you know they’d gone over everything to the nth degree, and there was nothing. So when the, it happened the second time we were like, “Oh right okay, well we must,” you know, you know, we had to record her temperature and how big her, the redness was on her arm and everything, so. But yeah, no she’s absolutely fine with it.
Having some tests and vaccine injections at your local GP surgery may save parents a lot of travelling time.
Having some tests and vaccine injections at your local GP surgery may save parents a lot of travelling time.
I couldn’t really see why it couldn’t be done at your local surgery as such; there were certain parts of it which could have been done locally to save you. Because it’s not that much of a journey, it’s 15 miles, but it’s still that time of year, winter time when you have to you know, pack up, and it would have been easier to have been done at your local surgery. But that’s just me being picky really.
Talking to others such as health visitors can be helpful but you need to go with your gut instinct.
Talking to others such as health visitors can be helpful but you need to go with your gut instinct.
I think the thing is, to check on as much information as you can. The information they send you. To talk with the health visitors, would be useful because they’re always a very good source of information and see how they feel about it. But you can only really go with your own gut instinct on how you feel. No-one else can tell you what you should do with your child. But if you’re in anyway thinking about it, then the actual, the experience we had was very good.
The vaccine had already been tested and they could withdraw at any stage of the trial.
The vaccine had already been tested and they could withdraw at any stage of the trial.
Yes I think you have to trust them. Because you’re putting your child’s, you know you’re giving your child a, a drug that you know nothing about really. So you do have to trust them that they are actually you know, above board, you know.
Lena would consider other vaccine trials for her children if there was sufficient information and the vaccines had already been trialled. She would also listen to her children to make sure they were happy to take part.
Lena would consider other vaccine trials for her children if there was sufficient information and the vaccines had already been trialled. She would also listen to her children to make sure they were happy to take part.
Yes, with as much information that we had yeah. We would want as much information. I mean I say yes, but you would obviously still look into it. It’s not something you, you know you just say oh yes blindly. But we would consider it again, yes.