Eden - Interview 62

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Eden, aged 17, is White British and lives at home with her mother. At the age of 16, Eden was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She was very poorly and in hospital when she was first invited to take part in a clinical trial on the treatment of children and young people with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Eden remembers being explained about the trial and the treatment but it was quite overwhelming at the time and she can’t recall much about it. She understood there to be four different types of chemotherapy and two of the drugs had completely different side effects. She understands that the trial was to find out if treatment is just as successful by replacing one drug with another drug that is less likely to cause infertility or early menopause, and to find out what the long term effects are of each drug on fertility.
Because Eden required immediate treatment there was little time to make a decision and Eden and her mum were concerned about the side effects of the drugs. Eden, and her mum, wanted to have the drug that was least likely to affect fertility but would make her more ill. It was a really difficult time for them both. Eden received the trial treatment that had least affect on her fertility.
Unfortunately Eden experienced a reaction to one of the drugs and it had to be stopped. However, she continued in the trial and has now been given the all clear. She still receives care and treatment and has to receive a course of radiotherapy and will continue to have regular checks at the hospital. She also has home visits from the Macmillan nurses. Even though Eden was poorly during the treatment, and it is a relief to have completed the trial, she is pleased to have taken part.
Having a central line inserted was worrying for Eden, but meeting other young people who had a central line helped to reassure her and she soon began treatment.
Having a central line inserted was worrying for Eden, but meeting other young people who had a central line helped to reassure her and she soon began treatment.
The Macmillan nurses were really helpful when Eden had to stop her college course.
The Macmillan nurses were really helpful when Eden had to stop her college course.