Christopher - Interview 16

More about me...
Christopher is 17 years of age and currently studying for his A levels. He lives with his parents and his elder sister. He took part in three clinical trials. Two of these trials were to compare healthy children’s growth and development to that of children with attention deficit and hyperactive disorder. Christopher took part in each trial as a healthy control.
Christopher’s mum volunteered him for the trials through an advert in the local newspaper. She and the research team explained everything to him, what it was, what it involved and why they were doing the trials. He felt that everything was very clearly explained.
Christopher enjoyed receiving the results from the scans and other measurements such as body mass, bone density and fat index and winning prizes when taking part in computer games. He found it all very interesting. In one of the trials, Christopher had a brain scan and an MRI scan. While in the scanner, he had to do computer games to determine which part of his brain was working.
After these experiences, he would certainly take part in other similar clinical trials. There were no side effects. Although Christopher felt that getting a small payment for taking part is an incentive, he would take part even if the money was not there.
Christopher thought that all trials were only for those 18 years and over. His parents made him aware of clinical trials and that children of all ages take part. However, Christopher was aware of the risks of clinical trials and although he would be keen to take part in similar trials in the future, he would be wary of trials that involved taking risks such as drug trials.
If he had to travel long distances to get to the trial venue he would be less keen to take part and as his school studies get more intense he may have to reconsider.
His science lessons at school helped him understand why ‘healthy controls’ are need for clinical research. Having trust in those doing the research was important too as was getting the results. To improve his experiences, Christopher would have liked to have taken a friend with him to chat with whilst waiting in between tests.
Christopher had an understanding of why he was being asked to take part as a healthy control, but he didn't realise young people could take part in trials or research until they were 18.
Christopher had an understanding of why he was being asked to take part as a healthy control, but he didn't realise young people could take part in trials or research until they were 18.
Being able to take part in the research during school holidays was really helpful, but if it had clashed with his studies Christopher may have had to say no.
Being able to take part in the research during school holidays was really helpful, but if it had clashed with his studies Christopher may have had to say no.
Chris would be more cautious about taking part in trials that offered money, but having a reward at the end of trials is nice.
Chris would be more cautious about taking part in trials that offered money, but having a reward at the end of trials is nice.