Interview 16

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Encourages others not to be put off by painful cervical screening test experiences.
Encourages others not to be put off by painful cervical screening test experiences.
It just I think pulls you up short to say "Well you're, no one is really that safe," and how important whatever your experience of having a smear test done, how important it is to go and have them done and get over that fear, you've got to get over that fear if it's, because you're only going to be worried if it's, supposing one comes back you might have thought to yourself if I'd have gone a year earlier may be that wouldn't have happened to me. So I think whatever the experiences women do need to say, explain the circumstances to your doctor, your clinic, wherever you're going if you've had a bad experience and just be reassured before you have the next one done that they are looking at you when you're telling them and that they're really taking it on board but don't let it stop you going to have one done because it's just not worth it, the worry just is not worth it. I've seen her go through it and it's, and she had regular ones. Nobody is exempt, I realise that but I think my advice to other women who've gone through a bad experience is don't let it put you off because you just don't want to be in a position of a result coming back just because you may have delayed it and you could have stopped it.