Interview 14

Age at interview: 45
Brief Outline: Normal smear test results. Experience of an inadequate smear.
Background: Teaching Assistant; married, 2 children.
More about me...
She felt very worried when she got overlapping test results letters from the health authority and...
She felt very worried when she got overlapping test results letters from the health authority and...
Panic to start with, I panicked yes, you just think this won't happen to me so I just like, and then I think a week after, once I'd made the appointment, actually no I think I got a letter from the surgery first and then I got another letter from the health authority. Yes so I got the one from the surgery first, telling me that I had abnormal cells and then I got another one from the health authority, so when I'd opened this that had the doctor's name, the surgery at the back of the letter and I knew what I'd just been for.
I then panicked and I thought this is not going to be good.