Interview 05

Age at interview: 34
Age at diagnosis: 34
Brief Outline:

Abnormal smear followed by 6 month repeat smear. Abnormal result. Referred to colposcopy with suspected inflammation in 2000. No treatment needed.


Infant supervisory assistant; divorced, 1 child.

More about me...


She copes with any embarrassment by realising that doctors and nurses do cervical screening tests...

She copes with any embarrassment by realising that doctors and nurses do cervical screening tests...


Right well to start with obviously it's not a pleasant experience but its something that should be done to save any further problems which could occur. And also I can understand why some women are embarrassed but the way I dealt with it was I just cast aside the embarrassing part of it because at the end of the day these, it's a job to these doctors, they're doing their job and after all it's, it's your health you've got to think of, not so much how the doctor, from the doctor's point of view because I mean it's a job to him, he sees thousands of women and it's just a procedure to him. And without this doctor you're taking a risk really.


She has regular cervical screening tests so that any changes are detected early.

She has regular cervical screening tests so that any changes are detected early.


Well I did know about the procedures of smears beforehand so I knew what I was expecting and again it's part of the fact that instead of looking upon it in a way where it's embarrassing it's much more sensible to be looking upon it in a way that it's a job that, it's something that really should be done that has to be done to prevent any further problems that is possible and I just knew that I was doing the right thing. And I didn't want any further problems to occur so I know that doctors can't prevent these things but they can try and cure if it's, if whatever there is is caught early enough. So I must admit I'm very, I do make sure that I'm up to date with my smears.


She has had more than one abnormal test result and so she has been referred to the colposcopy...

She has had more than one abnormal test result and so she has been referred to the colposcopy...


When I had an appointment for a smear and the doctor told me that, I got the results back and the doctor told me that there was a bit of abnormality showing and that she would refer me to the colposcopy clinic. And in that time I was a bit apprehensive because I wondered what it was that actually they found even though it was explained to me that it was a bit of inflammation but still they needed to send me to the colposcopy clinic because they wanted to know if what was the causing the inflammation.

Who told you were there was an inflammation?

The doctor that actually did the smear. And she did explain actually that she didn't think it was much to worry about but still it was procedure that if there is such inflammation, especially after having two regular smears and it's still showed up the same thing the second smear, second time round so I must admit in that time that I did, I did wonder how things was going to turn out.


Ask your doctor questions and don't worry until you know you have something to worry about.

Ask your doctor questions and don't worry until you know you have something to worry about.


Again if you are that kind of person that does worry please don't unless you know for sure you do have something to worry about. So if you have any doubts please ask, ask all the questions there are and don't feel silly about asking any questions because after all doctors would prefer that you ask these questions because they can't be expected to give you all the answers there is possible because there wouldn't be enough time to cover all those questions you know it's something that you would have to point out to the doctor and I'm sure he'd be only too willing to try and you know put your mind at ease with whatever you have that's worrying you. But you know by worrying about something before you really know is just making you feel even worse inside because you really could be worrying for nothing. And just keep up with the regular appointments whether it is for a smear or the colposcopy clinic because you have more chance of keeping well and in good health than if you were by not keeping up with your regular appointments.