Interview 05

More about me...
When he received the invitation he wasn't surprised because he had read about the programme.
When he received the invitation he wasn't surprised because he had read about the programme.
The information was adequate for his needs.
The information was adequate for his needs.
Well I just felt it was self explanatory, there was, it was covered, everything I needed to know I think really so I didn't see any problems with that either at all because you know the information was there, adequate for what I wanted. I wasn't looking for details. So the basics were there and that was adequate for as far as I was concerned.
Thinks that receiving results through the post is 'as good a way as any'.
Thinks that receiving results through the post is 'as good a way as any'.
I think it's as good a way as any. I mean I think if you got a phone call, phone calls are not always a convenient time for you to, to receive the call.
I mean you know you may, they can be okay and then other times you think, 'Oh that's not a very good call time to call.' If you receive it in the post, generally of course you've got an idea what it is, so you decide for yourself when you can, when you're going to open it, or even if you don't open it [laughs].
He decided to be screened because he thought his GP was involved and that his GP supported the screening programme.
He decided to be screened because he thought his GP was involved and that his GP supported the screening programme.
Now what, what was the main reason for you deciding you would take part?
Mainly I think because the original letter said that this was a pilot, it was a pilot of this area and it was something that was going to become nationwide. If I remember rightly the referral had come from the doctors in that certain surgeries had agreed that they were in favour of it and that the patient, they would therefore give patients' names. So I felt that if, if my GP was saying it's a good idea to have it done then fair enough, so I had it done, or I did the test myself, you know what I mean?
So that's important, so you felt it was, that was quite an important factor influencing you, the fact it came from your GP?
Yes, yes.
Did you feel you had any choice or was it something you really felt you didn't have much choice about?
No felt I'd got a choice but I didn't feel that I needed a choice, I felt that it was, really it was essential that I, I went ahead and had the screening done.
Were there any other factors apart from the fact that your GP was recommending it do you think that swayed you to go ahead?
No not really no, I don't think so.
The letter with the results included a list of the symptoms of bowel cancer but it did not affect his behaviour.
The letter with the results included a list of the symptoms of bowel cancer but it did not affect his behaviour.
I think the letter tells you about the basic symptoms of bowel cancer, did you make a note of those and has that changed how you look at your stools or look at your motions at all?
Or has it alerted you to the fact that you must be aware of other, of certain things for the future?
No I don't think so. I certainly don't sort of spend time thinking about it and certainly when I go to the toilet, no, I don't sort of, 'Oh well I must have a look at that', you know, 'that looks a bit different today than it did last week', no. And I don't think I'm the sort of person that sort of worries about that too much anyway [laughs].