
Richard believes he had paroxysmal AF on and off for years before his diagnosis. Now in permanent AF, he takes warfarin and verapamil. He leads a normal life but wonders whether it is his AF, medication or age which causes tiredness and lack of energy.
Richard is an exploration manager in the oil industry. Now semi-retired, he is married. Ethnic background/nationality: White European.
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As an oil worker with a multinational company, Richard has spent much of his life overseas. Looking back, he suspects that a doctor in Indonesia was right when he diagnosed an irregular heartbeat and prescribed medication 25 years ago. At the time, however, Richard was not convinced and regular medical checks throughout his working life failed to detect a problem. It was not until 4 years ago when he saw his doctor after feeling a ‘bit dizzy and tired’ that he was diagnosed with paroxysmal AF. He was prescribed warfarin and atenolol.
Richard has found being on warfarin ‘absolutely no problem’ and believes it a ‘tried and trusted’ method of minimising his stroke risk. Warfarin is ‘something that’s measured and you understand if it’s working’. Now semi-retired, he is not inconvenienced by regular blood tests and although he has noticed that cuts can take slightly longer to clot, he has not experienced any unusual bleeding or bruising.
He is less sure, however, about taking beta-blockers which, unlike warfarin, are not monitored. Given the range of medications available to treat AF, he wonders how doctors know whether the one they have prescribed is working or whether it is ‘the best one’ for the patient. In an attempt to establish whether atenolol was managing his condition, he experimented by varying the dosage. He found a ‘very straight line relationship’ between the dose and the regularity of his heartbeat. As someone who monitors his health carefully, Richard also took his pulse regularly, recording the readings. He noticed a pattern of one day in four when his heartbeat was irregular. A keen jogger, he also found that when he had an episode of AF he was sometimes able to ‘shock’ his heart rate back to normal by jogging.
Richard hoped his cardiologist would find his analysis and feedback useful but was disappointed at his lack of interest. He believes that cardiologists see patients with ‘many more serious ailments’ than his and that it is a case of ‘this is what you do and that’s that’ for patients with AF. He was surprised that he did not have regular follow ups with his cardiologist after diagnosis but rather was put under the care of his GP. He admits that given the reading he has done and his experience of the illness that he ‘probably knows more than my GP’. He would like to see ‘a feedback loop through the patients and back to the doctor’ so that doctors can learn from patient experience. He would also like to see more posters in doctors’ surgeries to increase public awareness of AF, and more pulse checking to identify people with the condition.
In 2010 Richard’s AF became permanent over a period of 3-4 days, with a heart rate of 85bpm. A year later, feeling tired and lacking in energy and not convinced the atenolol was helping his condition, he went back to his cardiologist and was prescribed verapamil securon, a calcium channel blocker. He remains on verapamil, though is unsure whether this has made any difference. He wonders whether his tiredness is because of his condition, his medication, or just getting older.
Today Richard leads a ‘perfectly normal life’ with AF and beyond taking medication and having a blood check every 8 weeks ‘you wouldn’t know I had it’.
Interview held 13/09/12
Although Richard was first diagnosed with AF as an expat working overseas, he didn’t trust the doctor’s diagnosis or take the prescribed medication.
Although Richard was first diagnosed with AF as an expat working overseas, he didn’t trust the doctor’s diagnosis or take the prescribed medication.
And he said, I remember him vividly saying that if I’d have taken these I probably would have keeled over because it would have been so low. But I suspect that that first doctor was right because he did do an ECG and he showed me the stuff but I just wasn’t very confident of the technique and everything because the things kept falling off, I remember, and I was thinking, “Well, I, you know.” I wasn’t about to accept anything so serious.
Richard was unsure whether his tiredness was part of ageing or related to his AF.
Richard was unsure whether his tiredness was part of ageing or related to his AF.
Richard found that he was no longer able to take medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin when he developed a bad back.
Richard found that he was no longer able to take medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin when he developed a bad back.
Can’t have aspirin but can have you can have paracetamol for sort of headaches, that kind of thing but I always used to take aspirin before and aspirin always seemed to work better for me than any of that stuff. So it it’s things like, you know, I probably would have, given the back thing, I would have been trying ibuprofen, glucosamine and things like that, just that kind of thing. And I can’t do that, any of that.
Richard thought he would see his consultant more frequently after his diagnosis. He finds that his own knowledge of his condition exceeds that of his GP.
Richard thought he would see his consultant more frequently after his diagnosis. He finds that his own knowledge of his condition exceeds that of his GP.
Richard, who has kept detailed records of his condition, believes that health professionals need to accept feedback from patients when it is offered.
Richard, who has kept detailed records of his condition, believes that health professionals need to accept feedback from patients when it is offered.
I don’t know how they keep up to date because there seems to be not much of a feedback loop through the patients and back to the doctor. You know, they treat something and hopefully it works and then they never hear whether it worked or not and so I would hope the sorts of things that you’re gathering and that other people gather and data and information somehow gets back to them in a simplified form that they can, you know, read in a short time because I know they’re busy.