Atrial fibrillation




Atrial Fibrillation - Site preview

Atrial Fibrillation - Site preview


Dr Tim Holt

Atrial fibrillation, is a common condition, particularly in older people and in people with certain other conditions, in which the heart beats irregularly. As well as beating irregularly, it also tends to beat quite fast until the condition is diagnosed and the symptoms are controlled.


Just this awful, I don’t know, feeling that your heart, it sort of almost feels as if it’s far too big for your chest. And it’s making this terrible, terrible and it’s very frightening.  I mean the phrase cardiac neurosis comes to mind because you really do think you’re going to die. It’s horrid.


Yes, I woke one Sunday morning, in the summer, four years ago. I’ve always had a bit of a problem with indigestion and I had palpitation, and  I got up, dressed and had breakfast, and went to get up from having my breakfast to wash up and, well, really, you know, I was quite dizzy and sat down here on the settee. I knew something was wrong.


I actually only discovered that I had AF about a year ago and that was really because I was attending the GP as a result of what I thought was high blood pressure. And in taking my blood pressure he noted that I had a very irregular heartbeat, and then he did an ECG himself and then referred me to hospital to have an ECG. And that’s basically how I found out about it.


Well, I, yes, had a had a stroke before I realised I had AF. On Saturday lunchtime, I believe it was, and I went upstairs to get changed to go and do some work in the garden, and I collapsed in a heap.

Chris X 

Don’t panic.  Don’t get depressed.   It can be dealt with.   Provided it’s looked at and looked after it’s not going to kill you. You can carry on your life, generally or you may have to shift back a gear a bit, but just go with it.


So, in a way, some things, as I say, it’s one of the worst things that has happened to me but it’s one of the best things that’s happened to me. It’s forced me to look at my life.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a heart condition in which the heart beats irregularly and often abnormally fast. Symptoms can include palpitations, tiredness, and breathlessness. People with AF are at increased risk of stroke. We interviewed 38 people about their experiences of AF, plus one partner. 

This section is from research by The University of Oxford.

Publication date: October 2016
Review date: October 2018

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