
Lu has polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis with a positive rheumatoid factor. She experiences a lot of pain and swelling. She is determined to not let the arthritis get in the way of her dreams and has travelled the world and graduated with two university degrees.
Lu is a recruitment consultant. She is white British.
More about me...
Lu went to A&E after falling down the stairs. Her finger was swollen but not broken. The nurse...
Lu went to A&E after falling down the stairs. Her finger was swollen but not broken. The nurse...
Lu knew what each test was for because her doctors and parents told her. She said that she never found the tests scary.
Lu knew what each test was for because her doctors and parents told her. She said that she never found the tests scary.
Lu did not understand what arthritis was and was afraid she might die from it. When she was diagnosed she felt like she lost control over part of her life.
Lu did not understand what arthritis was and was afraid she might die from it. When she was diagnosed she felt like she lost control over part of her life.
Lu always has a list of questions to ask when she sees her consultant. She also tries to take somebody along with her too. This helps Lu get the most out of her consultations.
Lu always has a list of questions to ask when she sees her consultant. She also tries to take somebody along with her too. This helps Lu get the most out of her consultations.
Lu put on weight when she took steroid tablets. Once she stopped taking steroids she had to think about when to eat and how much.
Lu put on weight when she took steroid tablets. Once she stopped taking steroids she had to think about when to eat and how much.
Lu suffered from 'bad fatigue' but would still work long hours and go out at the weekends. When she had bad flare-ups she had to slow down and sleep lots.
Lu suffered from 'bad fatigue' but would still work long hours and go out at the weekends. When she had bad flare-ups she had to slow down and sleep lots.
Lu discovered that there was a 'massive pressure' for people to drink at university. She felt 'lucky' to have friends that kept an eye on her when there was alcohol around.
Lu discovered that there was a 'massive pressure' for people to drink at university. She felt 'lucky' to have friends that kept an eye on her when there was alcohol around.
But maybe that’s something that I’m just really sort of lucky to have. Now it’s a bit different at work because I’ve quite recently started, there’s only like one person that knows I can’t drink, so he’s constantly on the lookout now, so he’ll, when he’s pouring my drink he’ll just pour something that we pass off as vodka and coke, but it’s not, it’s just coke. Or you know I’ll get to my third drink and he’ll be like, “Okay, have you had enough?” But yeah I’m lucky in that sense. But yeah there is a massive stigma, there’s a massive pressure, definitely at university, even at school, later on at school, even now there’s a pressure to drink. But you’ve just got to be strong willed enough to be like, “Well look, I’m having you know, no I’m not drinking tonight,” or, “I’m gonna have two, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t have a good time.”Or that I’m any less of a, you know a better person for it. ‘Cos you know if you’re still fun then what’s, what’s the issue really?
Lu went to see somebody at her university about feeling unhappy. She realised that it's normal to sometimes feel down and upset.
Lu went to see somebody at her university about feeling unhappy. She realised that it's normal to sometimes feel down and upset.
Lu found it 'straightforward' finding a job after university. She didn't tell anyone that she had arthritis when she applied for the job and only told her manager when she started working.
Lu found it 'straightforward' finding a job after university. She didn't tell anyone that she had arthritis when she applied for the job and only told her manager when she started working.
Lu discovered that there was a “massive pressure” for people to drink at university. She felt ...
Lu discovered that there was a “massive pressure” for people to drink at university. She felt ...
But maybe that’s something that I’m just really sort of lucky to have. Now it’s a bit different at work because I’ve quite recently started, there’s only like one person that knows I can’t drink, so he’s constantly on the lookout now, so he’ll, when he’s pouring my drink he’ll just pour something that we pass off as vodka and coke, but it’s not, it’s just coke. Or you know I’ll get to my third drink and he’ll be like, “Okay, have you had enough?” But yeah I’m lucky in that sense. But yeah there is a massive stigma, there’s a massive pressure, definitely at university, even at school, later on at school, even now there’s a pressure to drink. But you’ve just got to be strong willed enough to be like, “Well look, I’m having you know, no I’m not drinking tonight,” or, “I’m gonna have two, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t have a good time.”Or that I’m any less of a, you know a better person for it. ‘Cos you know if you’re still fun then what’s, what’s the issue really?
Lu is scared of getting into a relationship but says it would be nice if somebody could look after her. She's insecure about boyfriends seeing medication beside her bed and doesn't like people watching while she injects herself.
Lu is scared of getting into a relationship but says it would be nice if somebody could look after her. She's insecure about boyfriends seeing medication beside her bed and doesn't like people watching while she injects herself.
Lu had 'really big insecurities' growing up. Arthritis affected the appearance of her joints whilst medications caused weight gain and hair loss.
Lu had 'really big insecurities' growing up. Arthritis affected the appearance of her joints whilst medications caused weight gain and hair loss.
Trust is built up when people see the same consultant over time.
Trust is built up when people see the same consultant over time.
I remember seeing different consultants which I found really hard, because as a young person you’ve got to trust someone and it’s really hard to trust someone when you’re in and out with different consultants. You build up a relationship but then you, you know that consultant might not be there the next time that you’re there, and it’s just how much does that other consultant know about you. Not your diagnosis, but as you as an individual, you know? Do they know that you’re, you know the reason you’re not exercising is not because you’re lazy but it’s because you physically can’t do it? Do they know that you’re as much; you know more pain than you were last time? Because you know what can a note sort of transfer into someone’s mind. They were amazing consultants but I think that, that was, I found that quite hard, whereas I also got introduced to my consultant in my local area because obviously he’d be taking over when I think I was sort of like 19 or 20 (they kept me on for quite a while) when I transferred across, and I was lucky that I’d been seeing him every six months, so he was in constant sort of liaison, knowing what was going on at the other hospital. So that was good, that was a good handover sort of for the period that they done that.