
Kerrie was diagnosed in 2008 as having seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. Kerrie's symptoms came on suddenly and were severe. She left her graduate-level job in fashion promotion and moved to be closer to her family. Kerrie has good and bad days.
Kerrie is a self-employed baker. She is white British.
More about me...
Kerrie thought she had the flu before her joints started to hurt. Her arthritis progressed from her fingers to the rest of her body.
Kerrie thought she had the flu before her joints started to hurt. Her arthritis progressed from her fingers to the rest of her body.
Kerrie went to A&E twice before she saw a GP. She then saw her GP several times before he sent...
Kerrie went to A&E twice before she saw a GP. She then saw her GP several times before he sent...
Kerrie trusted her healthcare team and could talk to them about anything and not feel embarrassed.
Kerrie trusted her healthcare team and could talk to them about anything and not feel embarrassed.
For me it’s the fact that they’re, I am confident that I can comfortably talk to them about any concerns that I’m having no matter how embarrassed I might be feeling about it or something like that. So I mean it’s not necessarily they’ve put me in touch with a counsellor as such, it’s just having the confidence in those people as individuals, that they know what they’re talking about, that they will always try and help me try and find the right information if they don’t know themselves and that fact that, you know, they all work together. I think it’s very clear that the team of people that I see now is, in fact, a team, you know. They communicate with each other, whereas I never had that before in the in the group of people that I was seeing at a previous hospital. It was, you know, so different to the kind of experience I had there and now I think I just feel so much more relaxed that my care is in the hands of people that do exactly that. They care. I’m not just another number, you know. Everything is considered and I’m always offered above and beyond the support that I need, just in case I might ever need it, you know. Things like counselling are always suggested to me and even though I might not necessarily need it right now, I’m comfortable because I know that support is there if I need it.
When Kerrie first started using the internet to find information she found it difficult, but as time passed she learned how to look for the right information and where to look for it.
When Kerrie first started using the internet to find information she found it difficult, but as time passed she learned how to look for the right information and where to look for it.
Sara described indomethacin as 'the drug that I believe gets me up in the morning'. This anti-inflammatory worked better for her than anything else she tried.
Sara described indomethacin as 'the drug that I believe gets me up in the morning'. This anti-inflammatory worked better for her than anything else she tried.
Kerrie took regular steroid tablets. They weakened her hip joint and she eventually needed a replacement. She said that the steroids stopped the 'immense pain' she was feeling.
Kerrie took regular steroid tablets. They weakened her hip joint and she eventually needed a replacement. She said that the steroids stopped the 'immense pain' she was feeling.
Kerrie's wrist hurts when she moves it. She is considering having the wrist joint fused so it no longer moves and hurts.
Kerrie's wrist hurts when she moves it. She is considering having the wrist joint fused so it no longer moves and hurts.
Before Kerrie developed arthritis she went to the gym as much as possible. Nowadays being active means being able to use the stairs, washing clothes and cooking.
Before Kerrie developed arthritis she went to the gym as much as possible. Nowadays being active means being able to use the stairs, washing clothes and cooking.
Kerrie had difficulties sleeping at night so she tried to catch up on sleep by napping in the day.
Kerrie had difficulties sleeping at night so she tried to catch up on sleep by napping in the day.
Kerrie didn't class herself as a smoker but she used to smoke because she couldn't drink on her medications.
Kerrie didn't class herself as a smoker but she used to smoke because she couldn't drink on her medications.
That’s my one downfall. I think I take it a bit more seriously now like I think for so long I was told that I couldn’t drink, couldn’t do all these things and it was kind of like that was the one habit that I was like, “Well, that’s mine. You know, I’ve always done that. So you can’t take that away from me.” But now it’s more of a case of social smoking, so I’ve gone from, you know, considering what aspects it has on my health quite seriously now. So no, I’m not allowed to do it as much as I’d like to but I suppose the odd one occasion when I’m with friends in the pub or something like that but no, I wouldn’t class myself as a smoker.
Kerrie would never contemplate taking illegal drugs because of the 'cocktail' of medications she was on. She thinks health is too important to take illegal drugs.
Kerrie would never contemplate taking illegal drugs because of the 'cocktail' of medications she was on. She thinks health is too important to take illegal drugs.
Kerrie left a good job in fashion advertising to set up a bakery business. It is more flexible and she can have time off when she needs it. She is proud of what she does, but misses working in a team.
Kerrie left a good job in fashion advertising to set up a bakery business. It is more flexible and she can have time off when she needs it. She is proud of what she does, but misses working in a team.
Kerrie is close to her family and always wanted children. She can't start trying for a baby until all the medications are out of her system.
Kerrie is close to her family and always wanted children. She can't start trying for a baby until all the medications are out of her system.
Kerrie moved closer to her family for emotional and physical support. She felt less lonely and more relaxed being at home.
Kerrie moved closer to her family for emotional and physical support. She felt less lonely and more relaxed being at home.
It's important to look after yourself and concentrate on the here and now. Prepare yourself by getting lots of information about arthritis and asking for help if you need it.
It's important to look after yourself and concentrate on the here and now. Prepare yourself by getting lots of information about arthritis and asking for help if you need it.
Really from the point of diagnosis, I would try and get as much information as possible about what you’re about to face because it can be a very lonely situation and it can be very scary and worrying and all these thoughts about the future and what your disease will mean will come to you. However, nobody really knows. You can’t tell what the future is going to be. So if I could give myself any advice for me back then is to not dwell on what’s going to happen, you know. Just concentrate on the there and then, how you’re feeling and how you can manage and, you know, how you can feel better at that point. You know, and get as much, ask for help that, you know, get as much help as possible because and don’t be afraid to ask for it because I was embarrassed to ask for help and my life would have been so much easier if I hadn’t of just struggled to do things and I’d have just swallowed my pride and asked for help when I needed it.