Rich - Interview 36
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Rich was on his way back to his car after a lunch meeting when he tripped over. When he got into the car and started to drive away he found that he had lost the feeling in his left arm and leg. He managed to park the car and called his daughter on his mobile phone and she called for an ambulance. The paramedics suspected a stroke and took him in to hospital where he underwent a number of scans and tests and was told that he had had a small bleed which was a TIA. He was admitted to the stroke ward where he stayed for 6 weeks during which time he gradually regained his mobility with the help of physiotherapy. Whilst in hospital Rich found it difficult seeing other stroke patients who had been more severely affected by their stroke than he had been, but it made him feel committed to making as swift a recovery as possible. Rich feels that his recovery was aided to a large extent by his optimistic and positive approach and he felt determined to do everything that he could to ensure that he could go home as soon as was possible. Thinking back over the experience Rich remembers that during the time he was recovering in hospital he had felt worried about the extent of any damage and worried that if he didn’t make a full recovery his life could change drastically, particularly in terms of loss of independence. Although he did not dwell on such thoughts he feels that this spurred him on to ensure that he did everything he could to contribute to his own recovery. His family was extremely supportive during this time and his daughter made a recovery ‘log’ to help him to track the progress of his rehabilitation.
Rich was about to drive home when he found he couldn't move his left arm or leg.
Rich was about to drive home when he found he couldn't move his left arm or leg.
Rich was told he needed to cut down his cholesterol levels and is now careful about what he eats, but on the whole he says he still lives a normal life
Rich was told he needed to cut down his cholesterol levels and is now careful about what he eats, but on the whole he says he still lives a normal life
I had a word with the dietician because I was, my cholesterol was a little high. It wasn’t outrageous and I soon got it down by following, you know, following the rules for want of a, but there again it’s not as though I abused it. I didn’t smoke, I didn’t, all right there were things I, I love cheese which is a no-no. I can have it but, as a treat as they say, and, you know, fried food that I never used to indulge in, as , as far as I was concerned I don’t think I abused myself that much or my body.
Rich asked to see a dietician whilst he was in hospital so that he could find out more about what kind of changes he might need to make to his diet
Rich asked to see a dietician whilst he was in hospital so that he could find out more about what kind of changes he might need to make to his diet
The only, the only thing the only preventative measures that are, I was talked to about, and funnily enough I had to ask, about a week or so before I was, I came out of [ward name], I said “What about food? Dietician?” “Oh do you want to see one?” And basically a dietician was brought. It wasn’t part of the, let’s say the checklist, he’s done this, done that because I know some of the things, I was taken into a dummy kitchen in [name] ward to see, towards the end, before I was come out, just to see my kind of, let’s say, co-ordination and so forth.
But not once was I told, “There’s a dietician coming to see you”. I had to ask for that. And we went through it all. And there’s basically three columns, you can’t have this, you can, you can have this, you, in moderation, treat. In other words, one of the things, fish and chips, you can have once a week as a treat.
Rich took early retirement after his TIA because it would be difficult to fit back into his job after a long absence
Rich took early retirement after his TIA because it would be difficult to fit back into his job after a long absence
I took early retirement officially a year and two months after my event.
Rich remembered being told that having a TIA was a warning sign that you might be at risk of having a more serious stroke
Rich remembered being told that having a TIA was a warning sign that you might be at risk of having a more serious stroke
The local stroke coordinator provided Rich with information and guidance whilst he was in hospital, and when he went home he could call her if he needed to know anything
The local stroke coordinator provided Rich with information and guidance whilst he was in hospital, and when he went home he could call her if he needed to know anything
The local stroke person used to come in and visit the, the, the ward quite regularly and she kept in touch until she retired. And she was always kind of in inverted commas ‘there’ if I wish to, would, I can’t remember, remember her name now, but she was, she was a lovely lady. Older than I was, I think she was 65 nearly 70 but she, you know, you could ring her up or get, “Oh I’ll pop round” and talk it through with her and you know, she was a good source of, “Well if you do this and contact that…” Good source of information.
Rich kept a diary of his recovery during his stay in hospital which shows that he gradually regained mobility with the help of physiotherapy
Rich kept a diary of his recovery during his stay in hospital which shows that he gradually regained mobility with the help of physiotherapy
Rich takes medication and says he has his 'MOT' once every 12 months, but that there are no resources for more to be done to help with mobility or other problems
Rich takes medication and says he has his 'MOT' once every 12 months, but that there are no resources for more to be done to help with mobility or other problems
One of the things I remember being, I forget who told me now, one of the things I remember was [hammering] someone saying that TIAs a warning. If you recover from that, you’ll be OK. But you could have another stroke. I remember that particular point. And yeah, TIA, yeah. It’s a warning.
Rich feels that the support team should be aiming at getting him back to how he was before the TIA but that there is not enough support available for this
Rich feels that the support team should be aiming at getting him back to how he was before the TIA but that there is not enough support available for this
I thought the treatment and the help I had in [ward name], in the ward, in [local town] was very good. You know, the care and the help and support I had there. The thing I’m a bit concerned about is when you come out. You know, and you progress. You know, I know this part of the house wasn’t built then, when I had my stroke, but I always remember that the team were out here, the CART team (Community Rehabitlitation Team) and the physio was there and my wife came out and she saw me walking unaided. That must have been two months after, about, yeah, two months after I’d been let out of the ward, walking unaided and there were flower pots, “If he goes over…” and the physio wasn’t even kind of within two, you know, stretch, “Go and walk over there.” Well if -I could have gone through that greenhouse.
Rich still has weakness in his leg and he has to be more careful about what he does now
Rich still has weakness in his leg and he has to be more careful about what he does now
Rich's children reacted differently when they heard about their dad being ill. His daughter coped by helping Rich through his recovery in practical ways, whereas his son was quieter and kept his feelings inside
Rich's children reacted differently when they heard about their dad being ill. His daughter coped by helping Rich through his recovery in practical ways, whereas his son was quieter and kept his feelings inside
I’ve got two grown up children who, who helped, but, yeah, it was diff, it was a disruption.
Rich feels the TIA has affected his emotions. Little things can make him cry or he will lose his temper as he never used to do
Rich feels the TIA has affected his emotions. Little things can make him cry or he will lose his temper as he never used to do
I think the, the worst side of having a stroke. I don’t, I don’t know - TIA is it does upset your emotions.
Rich said that looking back he realises he never had an opportunity to talk to someone about how he was feeling and that he thinks counselling might be a good idea for someone who has just had a TIA
Rich said that looking back he realises he never had an opportunity to talk to someone about how he was feeling and that he thinks counselling might be a good idea for someone who has just had a TIA
One of the things yeah, in actual fact it comes to mind, one of the things that never happened, I never actually sat and talked to anybody, you know, any therapist or anything like that, you know, “How do you feel, Richard?” You know, “What, what’s your problem?” “Well I, my emotions are shot to pieces.” You know. “The little things make me cry”. “My emotions come out. When I get angry and frustrated, I swear. I’m not that sort of person.”
Rich wonders why GP's don't give their patients a regular health check or 'MOT' so that risk factors can be picked up and monitored
Rich wonders why GP's don't give their patients a regular health check or 'MOT' so that risk factors can be picked up and monitored
There doesn’t seem, as a run of the mill, they say, go, you’d go and see your doctor or something, there doesn’t appear, and I’m surprised because there’s such a focus on strokes now, you know, in the media, you know, you’ve got this, this new thing FAST that they put out. The, if you go to the doctor and you’ve not been there for a while, I’m surprised the doctor isn’t kind of prompted, “Oh, when did you last have your blood pressure? Have you had your cholesterol checked?” Because I believe those are two of the, the factors for strokes.