Michelle ' Interview 37

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Michelle experienced her first TIA episode after having spent the day gardening; she came inside the house to sit down and found she was unable to speak or articulate her thoughts and her vision was distorted. Although she did seek medical attention at the time, she was advised to see her GP in the next few days for a suspected viral infection and at that point TIA was not diagnosed or suspected. When she later saw her GP she was told it could have been neuralgia or an anxiety attack. Over the next few weeks she intermittently felt sensations in her face similar to pins and needles but the likelihood of TIA was still not investigated by her doctor, who continued to treat her for anxiety.
Michelle described the sensation she felt as like 'brain fog' and she was unable to translate her thoughts into speech
Michelle described the sensation she felt as like 'brain fog' and she was unable to translate her thoughts into speech
Michelle used the Stroke Association website to talk to other people about their experiences and is now thinking about setting up a local group where people can meet face to face
Michelle used the Stroke Association website to talk to other people about their experiences and is now thinking about setting up a local group where people can meet face to face
I used the Stroke Association website. And there was another website I used to use as well where I would talk to other stroke survivors. Not sure what that’s called now.
Michelle had a TIA followed by a stroke and can now only work part-time because she gets very tired, but she hopes that she will eventually be able to work full time again
Michelle had a TIA followed by a stroke and can now only work part-time because she gets very tired, but she hopes that she will eventually be able to work full time again
Now I have to stop and think of the implications like I have to know the limits, how far I can push myself and when I need to stop and rest.
Michelle felt the hospital staff didn't give her a proper understanding of what had happened to her and how they were treating her because they are more used to dealing with elderly people
Michelle felt the hospital staff didn't give her a proper understanding of what had happened to her and how they were treating her because they are more used to dealing with elderly people
Michelle had a number of small TIAs prior to having a major stroke but doctors said it was anxiety.
Michelle had a number of small TIAs prior to having a major stroke but doctors said it was anxiety.
Michelle's symptoms weren't diagnosed as indicating a TIA until several months later when she went on to have a full blown stroke
Michelle's symptoms weren't diagnosed as indicating a TIA until several months later when she went on to have a full blown stroke
Michelle had a stroke following several incidents that were later diagnosed as TIAs, but the doctor didn't talk to her about it, her father was the first to know
Michelle had a stroke following several incidents that were later diagnosed as TIAs, but the doctor didn't talk to her about it, her father was the first to know
I mean, what, when, when you, you heard the word stroke and that, told that’s what’s happened, what did you feel?
I was really shocked to be honest because the, it wasn’t even the doctor that told me, it was my dad. As I came out from the CT scanner there was no doctors there and I could see by my dad’s face. And I said, “What’s wrong?” And he said, “You’ve had a stroke.”
How did he know?
I don’t know.
I presume the doctor must have been in the room when I was being scanned and he’s come out and told my dad I’d, I don’t know.
Michelle has a six monthly blood test but feels she hasn't been given much advice about her condition
Michelle has a six monthly blood test but feels she hasn't been given much advice about her condition
Are you monitored, do you have to go for appointments and things still?
Michelle said 'it was hard trying to get the doctor to listen that it wasn't anxiety problems - I was really upset.'
Michelle said 'it was hard trying to get the doctor to listen that it wasn't anxiety problems - I was really upset.'
Nobody said it was a TIA or anything until I had the big stroke and they’d seen in my notes what had happened five months previous and said, “Oh, that was a TIA, somebody should have, you know, picked up on it.” So that’s when we first got told it was, these were mini ones leading up to the big one.
Michelle was much younger than the other patients in the hospital ward and she felt that the staff weren't used to dealing with a young person
Michelle was much younger than the other patients in the hospital ward and she felt that the staff weren't used to dealing with a young person
They didn’t explain things like [sighs] I don’t know. They didn’t explain why it was happening. And for me that made it much worse because if they had explained to me I could have understood.
Michelle finds it hard to contemplate starting a new relationship because she thinks the fact that she's had a stroke at such a young age puts people off
Michelle finds it hard to contemplate starting a new relationship because she thinks the fact that she's had a stroke at such a young age puts people off
I think relationship-wise when you first meet somebody and say, “Oh yeah, I had a stroke when I was 26” that’s kind of hard for somebody to get their head round and they kind of run away from it a bit, so…
Michelle spoke to other stroke survivors via support groups on the internet, but would have liked more contact with people her own age
Michelle spoke to other stroke survivors via support groups on the internet, but would have liked more contact with people her own age
The people that I’ve spoke to are just of any age. At the time I would have preferred to speak to more younger stroke survivors and I did look for young support groups which in the area where I live there isn’t any. Or not too far away, there’s not any services there either. So that was a bit difficult but at the time you just make do with you, what’s there for you.
Michelle's TIA's went undiagnosed and after five months she had a full blown stroke. She thinks that doctors didn't take her symptoms as seriously as they should have because she was only in her 20's
Michelle's TIA's went undiagnosed and after five months she had a full blown stroke. She thinks that doctors didn't take her symptoms as seriously as they should have because she was only in her 20's
So, five months went by where you had these sort of small, mini attacks and can you tell me what happened after that?
Michelle says health professionals need to look at the symptoms, not the person's age
Michelle says health professionals need to look at the symptoms, not the person's age
Michelle says you need to be persistent and make sure that you get the doctor to take you seriously
Michelle says you need to be persistent and make sure that you get the doctor to take you seriously