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Stewart had leaking with a suprapubic catheter. He prefers a urethral catheter but still gets some leaking and has to wear pads.
Stewart had leaking with a suprapubic catheter. He prefers a urethral catheter but still gets some leaking and has to wear pads.
Having a catheter can be frustrating at first and needs adjusting to. Now Stewart has no problems talking to others about incontinence.
Having a catheter can be frustrating at first and needs adjusting to. Now Stewart has no problems talking to others about incontinence.
Stewart wears pads because he often has small leaks even with a urethral catheter. He gets the pads from his local chemist.
Stewart wears pads because he often has small leaks even with a urethral catheter. He gets the pads from his local chemist.
I go and collect them from the pharmacy.
Stewart uses a valve during the day, without a bag. He uses a bag only at night time or if he's going on a long journey.
Stewart uses a valve during the day, without a bag. He uses a bag only at night time or if he's going on a long journey.
No, when I go to the cinema I don’t use a bag. I have begun to wonder if I ought to, or could do. But during the day I prefer just to have the flip-flow that I can relieve at the urinal.
Stewart describes his daily drinking routine. He mainly drinks tea and is mostly teetotal.
Stewart describes his daily drinking routine. He mainly drinks tea and is mostly teetotal.
Stewart recommends taking your own catheter equipment on holiday or to the hospital. Hospitals don't always have the type of catheter you normally use.
Stewart recommends taking your own catheter equipment on holiday or to the hospital. Hospitals don't always have the type of catheter you normally use.
Stewart disliked the suprapubic catheter, so changed to a urethral catheter. He still regrets the long time he has to spend dealing with his catheter but is now used to it.
Stewart disliked the suprapubic catheter, so changed to a urethral catheter. He still regrets the long time he has to spend dealing with his catheter but is now used to it.
Well I think the amount of time that it takes, you know to do things, and it takes longer to go to the toilet. It takes longer to get up in the morning to get dressed. And then on the day of the changeover, I change them, not a catheter but the flip flow and the bag, I change those every week. And the whole business of going through all the routine, so many times a day. And I like to be an organised person. I like to know where my time is going and I rather regret having to spend so much time dealing with catheters. But, as I’ve already said it, you get used to it, just be patient and get used to it.
Stewart wondered if he should use a leg bag instead of having just a flip flow valve when he went to the cinema. He could usually go for 2 hours without needing the toilet.
Stewart wondered if he should use a leg bag instead of having just a flip flow valve when he went to the cinema. He could usually go for 2 hours without needing the toilet.
Stewart recalled how he managed on a cruise. A drainage bag was useful at times but usually he used his flip flow valve just as he did at home.
Stewart recalled how he managed on a cruise. A drainage bag was useful at times but usually he used his flip flow valve just as he did at home.
Yes. I don’t get any special treatment or anything out of the way, but I know that it’s there if needed. And on the cruise ship I can carry on as I do at home. On the cruise ship, I don’t wear a bag during the day but I do have the bag, the night bag at night. So that’s just the same as what it normally is.
Stewart advises taking your own catheter equipment when you go anywhere. Hospitals don't always have the same equipment that you're used to using.
Stewart advises taking your own catheter equipment when you go anywhere. Hospitals don't always have the same equipment that you're used to using.
Stewart found the local continence group very helpful. The nurses often gave a talk and then they had time to answer questions.
Stewart found the local continence group very helpful. The nurses often gave a talk and then they had time to answer questions.
It has been very helpful, mainly through talking and chatting. And knowing that there’s nurses there and helpers there that are willing to talk and able to talk because they haven’t got, on that particular morning or afternoon, they haven’t got a ward to see to, a ward of patients. They can devote themselves to answering our questions. And of course it’s useful to talk with each other now. You get to know what sort of treatment, what sort of equipment different people are using. Yes, I find that’s been very, very useful. I would certainly urge anybody who’s new, you know, to go along to a meeting like that.