
Annie had a horse riding accident in 2002, aged 54. She was paralysed and fitted with a urethral catheter. Later she had a suprapubic catheter. Some time after her accident, Annie became high sheriff and is now a trustee of Southern Spinal Injuries Trust.
Annie is married and has 3 adult children. She is a retired nurse. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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Annie tried ISC before having a suprapubic catheter but it was 'completely impractical'. Tilting her pelvis and transferring to the toilet from a wheelchair were a problem.
Annie tried ISC before having a suprapubic catheter but it was 'completely impractical'. Tilting her pelvis and transferring to the toilet from a wheelchair were a problem.
Annie preferred having a suprapubic catheter to a urethral. She no longer has the problem of sitting on the catheter, rolling on it in bed or pulling it accidentally.
Annie preferred having a suprapubic catheter to a urethral. She no longer has the problem of sitting on the catheter, rolling on it in bed or pulling it accidentally.
Annie tried using a valve while she was in hospital but had many problems with it. She felt 'an awful failure' going onto free drainage and dislikes having a leg bag.
Annie tried using a valve while she was in hospital but had many problems with it. She felt 'an awful failure' going onto free drainage and dislikes having a leg bag.
Annie usually drinks water and orange juice, finding cranberry juice too sweet and syrupy.
Annie usually drinks water and orange juice, finding cranberry juice too sweet and syrupy.
Water. Yes.
Annie wished she didn't need a leg bag or daily antibiotics. She'd like a catheter that allows her to empty her bladder regularly but not hourly.
Annie wished she didn't need a leg bag or daily antibiotics. She'd like a catheter that allows her to empty her bladder regularly but not hourly.
I really would much rather not have to take any medication. I mean, you know when you say this, is there anything that you would like? It’s like watching the horizon and seeing the sun rise. The thought that I could actually just not have to think about my bladder ever again, not have to have an indwelling catheter, not have to be on antibiotics, but deal with it in a completely reliable way. It would be absolutely like a new dawn to me. It really would.
If Annie wasn't sure that she would be able to get to a toilet, she always set out with an empty leg bag. Sometimes she emptied her bag in unusual places.
If Annie wasn't sure that she would be able to get to a toilet, she always set out with an empty leg bag. Sometimes she emptied her bag in unusual places.
Annie explains how she and her husband manage to empty her leg bag on a plane during a long flight.
Annie explains how she and her husband manage to empty her leg bag on a plane during a long flight.
Annie had a wonderful nurse who answered questions. Annie also got an information pack but didn't read it. She prefers to leave medical decisions to her specialist.
Annie had a wonderful nurse who answered questions. Annie also got an information pack but didn't read it. She prefers to leave medical decisions to her specialist.