Nicole and Katy - Interview 11

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Nicole describes how the gene must have passed through her husband’s family and while Tay Sachs was not discussed openly, she can remember knowing of two babies in the family who died very young. Both Katy and Nicole discuss how, with technological developments, screening for Tay Sachs is straightforward but Katy is not sure what would happen if any of her children turned out to carry the gene and were in a relationship with another carrier.
Katy thinks the anonymous testing system for Tay Sachs carriers is a great idea and would like her children to make use of it.
Katy thinks the anonymous testing system for Tay Sachs carriers is a great idea and would like her children to make use of it.
It wasn't a complete shock to Nicole when her daughter tested positive for carrying the Tay Sachs gene.
It wasn't a complete shock to Nicole when her daughter tested positive for carrying the Tay Sachs gene.
And so my younger daughter, I took my younger... but here they have regular adverts in the Jewish Chronicle, and once every two or three months they have Tay Sachs screening days and you can go, when it’s normally in a, I wouldn’t say a church hall, but clearly it’s not, it’s in a hall somewhere in Golders Green. And you go and that’s run by the Tay Sachs Society. And you have blood taken there and when my daughter gave her name to the, the person that was coordinating it, she said, “Well why are you here?” and I then discovered that these particular cousins were volunteers so they clearly, their children did have Tay Sachs Disease because they do internal audits. And then she was tested and she too was a carrier of Tay Sachs.