Hinda - Interview 25

Hinda was diagnosed with Crohn's disease fifteen years ago. She had a re-section and has remained on medication since.
Hinda works as a caterer, she is single and has one grown up child. Ethnic background/nationality: Jewish
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Having read a bit about Crohn’s early on, Hinda now just tries to get on with her life. She feels having Crohn’s has constrained her life. For example, it can take two or three hours to get ready in the morning after taking her medication, and going anywhere always involves finding out where the toilets are and making sure she has her medication. Hinda used to smoke around 20 cigarettes a day but stopped smoking around seven years ago. She feels this has helped her Crohn’s. Hinda works part time as a caterer and while she is largely aware of what she can and can’t eat, this can change depending on how stressed she is.
The restrictive nature of Crohn's contributed to Hinda's marriage breakup. Travelling is difficult, and meeting with friends for eating out or a dinner party can also be awkward.
The restrictive nature of Crohn's contributed to Hinda's marriage breakup. Travelling is difficult, and meeting with friends for eating out or a dinner party can also be awkward.
Hinda felt bad asking for a plain sauce when her daughter-in-law had gone to the effort of cooking for her.
Hinda felt bad asking for a plain sauce when her daughter-in-law had gone to the effort of cooking for her.
Well something, I suppose it’s obvious, it’s always in the back of your mind, but I don’t even, I try not to think about it. I try my best not to even think about it. The only time, I would think about it, as I said, was I’m going out for a meal or something like that, and then sometimes if people say to me, “Come to me for dinner.” And I sort of panic, because I have to explain to them, “That well I can’t eat this, and I can’t eat that.” Or my son’s wife, now, it’s really, you know, because last week, I’d gone there last Monday night, and I went in and she was cooking, and I said, “What are you making?” And she, I knew, I mean she probably thinks, this one’s in catering, you know, but anyway, she was making this sauce for the chicken and I said, “Can I just have mine plain?” And she said, “Yes, no problem.” But I knew, she’d gone to all the trouble of making this sauce, and I felt bad. She said to me, “Would you give me a list of things you can and can’t eat.” I just didn’t want to go down that road.
Hinda works part time because the mornings are spent dealing with her medication.
Hinda works part time because the mornings are spent dealing with her medication.
Yes. Yes. I work. I try not to work till kind of early afternoon, like maybe from 12, 1 o’clock in the day, and I would only work definitely on a Thursday if there’s work there. And the odd time I would have to work possibly on a Wednesday for a few hours, but that’s it. I don’t do any more. I get very tired. I have, I have noticed that I do get very tired. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just getting… that I’m getting older [laughs].
After two years of stomach pains and weight loss, Hinda finally got a diagnosis of Crohn's disease.
After two years of stomach pains and weight loss, Hinda finally got a diagnosis of Crohn's disease.
Yes. So I went to see [doctor] and he said to me, when I explained the whole thing to him, and he said, “I’ll try one test and see.” And I don’t know what it’s called, but they put a tube down. It was horrible. It was the most horrific I’ve ever had done, and I never want to have it done again. They put a tube down your nose and down your throat and it goes down into your bowel. And they put you then, I can’t remember do they pour, as far as I can remember they poured something down through the tube. I think it colours the inside of it or something. And then they did sort of x-rays to see what was wrong. And within, I would say ten minutes of having those tests done, he came out and told me that I had Crohn’s.
Hinda was relieved to finally find out that the stomach pains she had experienced for two years were caused by Crohn's disease.
Hinda was relieved to finally find out that the stomach pains she had experienced for two years were caused by Crohn's disease.
Well at least, I knew, well at least then there was something, I knew there was something wrong; that I wasn’t going mad. I mean I actually thought when the doctor said to me to see a psychiatrist, I thought, I knew I wasn’t mad, but I mean, I thought maybe, I knew there was something wrong. Yes, I was delighted, not delighted, but I mean I was happy that I knew there was something. That I wasn’t just imagining things because you do, I mean after two, over two years, of saying you’d got pains in your stomach and cramps in your stomach, and nobody believes you. I mean, my son at the time was only what 15? 14? 15, and he had just had his bar mitzvah and I thought, oh that’s what brought it on; the stress of that. Because I’m in the catering business I did the whole weekend. I mean I had hundreds of people for dinners and God knows what, a whole family thing, Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night, Monday night. The whole weekend. I got this about a year, year and a half later, and I thought it was just the stress of all that. But I don’t know. Maybe it wasn’t, maybe it wasn’t. Who knows? I don’t know.
Hinda had pain in her knees and fingers when taking Pentasa to treat her Crohn's disease. After switching to Salazopirine the pain reduced.
Hinda had pain in her knees and fingers when taking Pentasa to treat her Crohn's disease. After switching to Salazopirine the pain reduced.
It’s not, no, I still get it, but not as bad. My knees, my knees in particular, but they’re not as bad as it was. It was very bad. Last year, I mean, I got to the stage where I couldn’t walk up down stairs. It was really bad. And that’s when he said to me, “Look, I’ll take you off these and see how it goes.” Okay. Sometimes, you know, when I’ve having a bad bout, I would know straight away, that I can feel knees starting. But then I kind of hope maybe it’s from my legs, but... [laughs].
Hinda's dietician told her it was okay to drink fruit juice, but she reacted very badly. She has had to figure out by herself what she can and can't eat.
Hinda's dietician told her it was okay to drink fruit juice, but she reacted very badly. She has had to figure out by herself what she can and can't eat.
And the first night I said, well I said to my husband will you bring me in a carton of either or whatever. And he brought me in, I don’t know which one he brought me in, and I had like a tiny little glass of it. And the nurse came in to me about 11 o’clock at night, and I was in the loo. And she came back to me about 4 o’clock in the morning and I was still in the toilet. And she came in a good few times to see if I was alright. And, there I was. To be honest I was in a dreadful state. And I threw the pineapple juice down pan. That was the end of that. I don’t drink fruit juice or anything like that anymore.