Colin' Let me put a fraction of context into this. The normal level for Factor XI is between 75 and 100. Dad’s was 3. So it was really very low.
Helen' Colin’s the only other one …
Colin' I’m the next lowest, but I’m nowhere near as low as dad. I mean my reading is 45. And anecdotally when, obviously we discovered that dad had this problem, Ruth and I were both checked out. We discovered that …
Ruth' And our uncle was as well.
Helen' But what is interesting which we discovered, I think while he was still alive, but, other members of his family, that come from his father’s side, also suffered from this. One of his first cousin, and this first cousin’s daughter also had this condition. Again, it wasn’t diagnosed until after his was.
And so once he was diagnosed how it was that you were brought in to have your testing done?
Ruth' We were just advised to…
Colin' We went to see our GPs.
Ruth' Because, yes, because his count was so low. And, I think there was a strong feeling that it was hereditary. I think people knew that anyway. So we were advised to be tested.
Helen' And [brother’s name] my brother-in-law as well.
Ruth' Yes, so it was really the three closest.
Helen' It was the blood relatives, yes.
Ruth' Relatives. And because none of us had a particularly worrying count, although it was low, it wasn’t silly low. And it just stopped there. So none of [brother’s name] children were tested. And [relative’s name] wasn’t.
Helen' Haemophilia is passed down through the mother but it’s only males who get it.
Colin' Yes, that would be right. So it’s not even sort of consistent. Its one of these things that seems to jump, possibly mutate a little, I don’t know.
Did you know if your husband’s father or mother had the same problem?
Helen' Well it came from his father’s family.
Ruth' Yes, but did his father have the same problem?
Helen' I don’t know. Well I wouldn’t have thought so, because …
Ruth' Nobody ever mentioned it. Did they?
Helen' No, I mean as far as I know, I mean he did have operations over the years, and I never heard that he bled, you know, kind of unusually.
Ruth' But it wasn’t just the operations was it, because we knew that if dad cut himself.
Helen' Yes.
Ruth' That he would bleed. It wasn’t just surgery. It was …
Helen' No that’s true, yes.
Ruth' Anything.
Helen' I never heard that grandfather did so I’m assuming he didn’t. I don’t know.
Ruth' No I was never aware that he did.
Helen' No, no.
Colin' I don’t think we would have been though because these things were sort of brushed under the carpet.
Ruth' Well no, because I think we just kind of knew that dad did. It was just something that was there.